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A quote I want to share

The Penguin

Chilly Willy The Penguin
I wanted to share a quote from the TV show Good Doctor, a doctor that haves autism. "As Deputy Chief Kim said, autism is caused by biological reasons. However, it's curable. It's different depending on the patient's circumstances, but there is a possibility for treatment."

I felt that was very well said. I did made a post on here Tv Show: Good Doctor (A doctor with autism) | AspiesCentral.com sharing details of the show and the link to watch the show. Even though if you don't watch this show, I hope you find the above quote meaningful.
I started watching that show. It is very good. I think that particular quote could be phrased better-bearing in mind that it was spoken in Korean and I don't know how well the English translation corresponds to the Korean meaning. I think instead of saying that autism can be cured-which sounds like the autism itself could go away-it would be better to say that many of the negative effects and consequences of autism can be overcome.
I started watching that show. It is very good. I think that particular quote could be phrased better-bearing in mind that it was spoken in Korean and I don't know how well the English translation corresponds to the Korean meaning. I think instead of saying that autism can be cured-which sounds like the autism itself could go away-it would be better to say that many of the negative effects and consequences of autism can be overcome.

I guess. English was not my strong area but I do know translations can be hard. Also, the translation for the website I shard with you was done from a web community that volunteers. There lots of people on the web loves to translate shows.

I'm glad you gain interest in the show. I was thinking of sharing a movie of a boy who haves dyslexia. I found the person who plays the boy can relates to me in some ways how I was having trouble in school during my childhood.

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