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A resource to encourage more autistic employment.


High Function ASD2
V.I.P Member
I just got back from the official launch of a project I've been contributing to for a while now. A web resource designed to help employers better understand autism and how employing autistic people can help improve their business. The site is officially public now.

Home - Neuro-inclusive Recruiting

I met a lot of really nice people and had a great time, I skipped the dinner though. Talking to one of the event planners afterwards I mentioned that I'd be posting a link to it in here and she said that they were doing their tracking by a QR code and wanted everyone to use their phones to share the QR link. I said "But a lot of autistic people don't use phones.". "That's what it was." she said.

She said she noticed something funny about the people gathering before the event started but couldn't put her finger on what it was. She goes to a lot of events and is used to seeing everyone standing around with their phones out, this time no one had their phone out, everyone was gathered in small groups and talking to each other.
How does one share a QR link?

I'm aware that I'm not a grandpa, but I don't use social media, get dizzy from tiktok and shorts in rolls and instagram beat me and won't work on my smartphone, because I don't wan to log in with my facebook or google account but email instead. Or doesn't like my nickname, because it doesn't like bananas ;)
I don't know how to use QR codes either, and my cell phone is the only internet source I have. I own a laptop but it is not connected to internet.

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