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aaarghhh home doctor visit


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Never had a doctor come to my house, but it was my insurance that has their doctor go out. I was glad when he called and asked if he could come early (was going to be 6 p.m.) - so it'd be over with and I could quit dreading it.
Stress? blood pressure 142/100, heart rate 114. I'd say so. lol Actually I was okay with him until he started getting impatient with me. He didn't like having to repeat himself, which, with my hearing (can't hear over the ringing in my ears) people often have to repeat themselves. And if I started explaining an answer, he'd interrupt and ask me the question in a sterner tone - looking for a yes or no only. And where most doctors ask family health including grandparents, when he'd ask family health I'd forget and say a grandparent and he'd get irritated and remind me immediate family only.
He asked if I had cataracts and I said no. He said, "Yes, you do." So another new diagnosis added to the list.
Well, I'd been trying to keep a positive attitude about it and it was not a positive experience at all and I have a year to dread the next time.

Does anyone else have their insurance company send out a doctor for a health screening visit? and, if so, how's your experience with it?
He asked if I had cataracts and I said no. He said, "Yes, you do."
If he already can see that you have cateracts and knows, then why did he ask you this? Why not just inform you that you have them? Makes no sense.
If a doctor can't be patient with his patients, then (s)he's in the wrong job.
Never had a doctor come to my house, but it was my insurance that has their doctor go out. I was glad when he called and asked if he could come early (was going to be 6 p.m.) - so it'd be over with and I could quit dreading it.
Stress? blood pressure 142/100, heart rate 114. I'd say so. lol Actually I was okay with him until he started getting impatient with me. He didn't like having to repeat himself, which, with my hearing (can't hear over the ringing in my ears) people often have to repeat themselves. And if I started explaining an answer, he'd interrupt and ask me the question in a sterner tone - looking for a yes or no only. And where most doctors ask family health including grandparents, when he'd ask family health I'd forget and say a grandparent and he'd get irritated and remind me immediate family only.
He asked if I had cataracts and I said no. He said, "Yes, you do." So another new diagnosis added to the list.
Well, I'd been trying to keep a positive attitude about it and it was not a positive experience at all and I have a year to dread the next time.

Does anyone else have their insurance company send out a doctor for a health screening visit? and, if so, how's your experience with it?
Can you inform them it makes you ill and you have autistic neurology ?so you need an employee who understands Autism ,a lot of gps think its attention seeking !,their narrow view is Autism=kanners Autism -ASD3 boys, will not budge one iota from that belief.
Can you inform them it makes you ill and you have autistic neurology ?so you need an employee who understands Autism ,a lot of gps think its attention seeking !,their narrow view is Autism=kanners Autism -ASD3 boys, will not budge one iota from that belief.
the visit was like a wellness health visit - nothing to do with the autism. He just wasnt very patient.
the visit was like a wellness health visit - nothing to do with the autism. He just wasnt very patient.

They usually send Nurses (Nurse Practioners) who can write prescriptions if necessary for home visits in Canada, seems costly to send a Doctor.

Wonder if there is any way for you to be able to give feedback on this home visit?
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the visit was like a wellness health visit - nothing to do with the autism. He just wasnt very patient.
What meant was if for instance you couldn't speak, they wouldn't expect you to try ,but you would have to tell( via your means of communication )them so they \you could communicate effectively, if he's informed about you being autistic beforehand, he can choose not to do that job ,and might not have had a dinosaur mindset' oh !no! she does not communicate like a soulless automaton'
Next years guy may be nicer, it's not gonna be hard so fingers crossed. This one sounds like he should have Mr Rude on his name badge. Dr Rude I mean. Hope you feel better now he's gone.
Some docs have horrible bedside manner. In this case, horrible house visit manner. l defintely have come across some docs that don't have a iota of decorum. Maybe next time, just ask- how's your day - you seem a tab out of sorts. When l ask these kind of questions, it gives me a chance to regain my composure and a pause for both of us. Maybe he didn't realize how he came across or he truly doesn't care. Sorry Pats, try not to let it get you down.

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