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Accepting terms that I might have Asperger

The Penguin

Chilly Willy The Penguin
Despite I had many people believe I have it, I decided to do my own research and understand Aspergers to see if I fit into that category. Based on what I learned, it's highly likely I'm in that category. In January I do have an appointment with a neurologist and I will find more details. The only thing I'm officially diagnosed with is a language based learning disability from my childhood.

Part of the reason for all of this research I'm in a very bad state in my life struggling very badly. What I do know I was not a person good with social skills, never had many people interested in being my friend. People did pick on me at school. During my adult life I never had any friends. I also feel in general, I can't connect with most people because I'm very different. Last year I have accepted the terms of having a life alone and trying to enjoy myself. This worked until I lost my job.

The other issues I'm having it very hard for me in Nova Scotia finding a good organization to help with my disability. This is very frustrating for me.
A lot of that sounds quite familiar.

I found out quite by accident. Became interested in the subject that was broadcast on Natl Geographic about two years ago. But it wasn't difficult to put all the pieces together once I got over a sense of denial about it.

To date my area doesn't appear to have any groups devoted to adults with ASD or other forms of autism. Here it's something to eradicate and is only relevant to children in terms of support groups- not adults.
I know for real. There needs to be more help for adults, and there needs to be an improved school system to give children a better future. Too many professionals is caught up with a stupid textbook theory

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