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Acting as no prudent person would act by


Well-Known Member
At the Aspergers charity I'm registered with. A few days back I had an one-to-one with a staff member. One thing I got help with was, getting a renewal bus pass concession form to take to a public library. On the form is the text 'Acting as no prudent person would act'. I wondered what people's thoughts on this are please?
At the Aspergers charity I'm registered with. A few days back I had an one-to-one with a staff member. One thing I got help with was, getting a renewal bus pass concession form to take to a public library. On the form is the text 'Acting as no prudent person would act'. I wondered what people's thoughts on this are please?

I can only speculate with so little information. Though it sounds like terms relative to eligibility regarding Scotland's Mental Health (care and treatment) Act of 2003. Which may further be tied into their National Entitlement Card regarding free bus travel.

Looks like a lot of reading to pin it all down. The actual phrase looks like something indicative of what our courts consider to be a "reasonable and prudent person" in determining the presence of negligence in the event a failure to behave with the degree of care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise.

It may all amount to a rather limited liability exclusion for anyone deemed to be "mentally disordered". I'm guessing in this context relative to the bus pass that if you don't fall into one of those categories, you're likely to be legally liable for your actions while traveling.

Gotta love how legalese can be so difficult to follow. :eek:

  1. 18 Section 328(2) of the Act specifically states that a person is not mentally disordered by reason only of any of the following:-
    • sexual orientation;
    • sexual deviancy;
    • trans-sexualism;
    • transvestism;
    • dependence on, or use of, alcohol or drugs;
    • behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any other person; or
    • by acting as no prudent person would act.
Mental Health (care and treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: Code of Practice Volume 1

Transport Scotland | 60+ or Disabled
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In my opinion I'm not mentally disordered

Precisely. All translating into terms and conditions reflecting that if you were to get out of line on the bus, the same state who provides you with free transportation can- and will prosecute you criminally and/or civilly speaking. As would most everyone else.

That's all. You'll be fine.
The bus or police or courts may try but unsuccessfully and I would laugh at them. And don't accuse me of getting out of hand on buses I don't and even if I did it's none of your concern
Precisely. All translating into terms and conditions reflecting that if you were to get out of line on the bus, the same state who provides you with free transportation can- and will prosecute you criminally and/or civilly speaking. As would most everyone else.

That's all. You'll be fine.

Sorry if I was overly defensive

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