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"Addicted" to writing in my new journal?


Please Don't Be Mad At Me 02/09/1996
V.I.P Member
Okay so how can someone be addicted to writing explain please?

But seriously.

I got a journal last Christmas, I like to call it my "Taco Note/Book of Tacos" because the cover has cartoon tacos all over it :P its got a nice magnetic lock and its 86 pages.

I've been writing actual entries, dating them and timestamping them, but when an entry is over I'm like....what do I do now? Then I just write random thoughts or something. My therapist wants me to keep this up so i wanted to learn "bullet journaling", it appears to be mainstream on some places on the internet. I like to write in pen unless i want to draw something...

But sometimes I like to do a sort of "empty ARG" where i writr fictional entries inspired by those moments in some adventure games where you find some guy's journal and it talks about how he tried to figure something out like a cryptic puzzle or something, tried to solve a mystery maybe, etc.

I hope im not crazy for this. I didnt think writing would be fun but it is! I used to hate writing on paper especially cursive writing because of my aunt...but she's gone and I'm not bound by her chains anymore.

Sometimes I dont know what to write after an entry...any ideas i may not know of?
I love to write - just in general. I've gone through so many notebooks I've kept the manufacturers in business. lol I write everything, and if I'm mad I write and write and write. I was furious at my 9then) husband and his sister and he was feeling guilty and asked if I needed anything. I said, "Yes, another notebook." lol But when I had absolutely nothing to write about I'd just write a word and see how many words I could make out of it.
Someone gave me a really cool giftbook once - it just had pages of stuff to write about - like write about a childhood game, what is something you feel strongly about, etc, etc.

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