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Advice for 4-Year-Old


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new to this board. I have a 4-year-old daughter (turned 4 this past fall). She has been going to a very good preschool since August. Since then, we've had repeated behavioral issues reported to us and when we are at home that we did not have when she went to a different preschool. Nearly every day, we get reports of her being aggressive and hitting her teacher, fellow students, being disruptive, etc. This culminated when the teacher and director requested a meeting with my wife and I.

In the meeting, they started it by saying they aren't going to kick her out, BUT they want us to get her assessed for Autism. I will list the below items they noted and that we have noted below. Can anyone give me guidance on this? She is a single-child, was born during COVID in 2020, and didn't have social interaction with other children until the Fall of 2023.

- She doesn't speak in full sentences most of the time. She does for some items. We've had her in speech therapy for about five months.
- She's not poty trained. She knows what to do, but refuses to do it.
- She gives 'side eye' where she doesn't usually look straight on, but out of the corner of her eye at us, her teacher, and her friends.
- If people come up to her and crowd her, she takes off running and tells people to leave her alone. This happened at a funeral, and has happened at school many times.
- If kids are running in the classroom and being loud, it freaks her out and she starts crying.
- She has been complaining about things being too loud lately. When we walk by a baby crying, she covers her ears and says it's too loud. She also covers her ears with vibrations.
- She won't keep her socks on and says socks hurt her feet.
- Since August, she started hitting, scratching, pinching, and spitting at teachers and friends. Sometimes, it is unprovoked.

I would love any advice. I'm afraid her school wants to use this as an excuse to kick her out. However, if she does have it, I certainly will do whatever is suggested.
Hello everyone,

I would love any advice. I'm afraid her school wants to use this as an excuse to kick her out. However, if she does have it, I certainly will do whatever is suggested.

In all fairness to the educators involved, mainstreaming your child may not be the best course of action, depending on whether or not your daughter is on the spectrum of autism.

IMO, what they have observed about her certainly warrants a formal diagnosis.

I suspect under the circumstances such educators would not go to such an extent simply to give your child "the boot". That they might have done exactly that under the circumstances, given your child represents a perceived liability to both pupils and staff- whether autistic or not.

Best to secure that diagnosis before deciding on any course of action.
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No one here is qualified to diagnose your daughter. Clearly, something is going on with her out of the norm. I recommend you pursue a formal diagnosis with competent experts in the field.
If she is having behavior problems as you described, at age 4, she (and you) would certainy benefit from an evaluation. Something is wrong.

Obviously we can't diagnose anything here, but if it turns out she is autistic, there are services available to help, if you live in the US.
"In a cohort study of 1269 toddlers with and without autism spectrum disorder who received their first diagnostic evaluation between 12 and 36 months, overall stability of an autism spectrum diagnosis was 0.84, which was higher than in other groups.

Meaning accurate diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder at earlier than 18 months is feasible, and there may be opportunities to test the usefulness of autism spectrum disorder treatment at an early age."


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