I drank and took drugs through my entire adolescence. Then stopped for my 20’s and early 30’s after an excruciating and poorly handled withdrawal at 18. After that two year long drawn-out nightmare I was basically terrified of alcohol/drugs and that’s what kept me sober. NOT a good reason, nor anything long lasting.
I drank because it made me feel “normal.” I could finally, actually socialize without feeling painfully awkward. Frozen and weird. To actually look that way to others too. To feel freeee.....
.....Freee to get into all kinds of trouble too. To become addicted. So much more.
Started again in early 30’s. Ahhhhh ..... sweet relief after decade+ of struggling to keep it all together. Feeling, “bunched up” ?? Running household, dinner parties, starting and operating international nonprofit, college, on and on.... just having to suffer through being so f’ing NORMAL day in and out. I hate migraines, of course. But I remember relishing the days I’d get them because I’d get to just hide under the covers in my room all day, alone, not having to “be” anyone or anything.
Ok, anyway... started drinking again... it just spiraled out of my control. Not only did it allow me to be “normal” — it made me be abnormal. I was a crazy girl. I got a reputation in every town I lived or passed through as a lunatic. People pitied my children. Then it led to drugs...more and more till heroin. I lost everything. Even my freedom. Thank God for that because it landed me in long-term rehab. Where I was able to dry out — BUT MOSTLY — have enough time from my last drink/drug to wrap my mind around what I was doing, and what I should/could be doing instead. (Man, too bad I didn’t have Asperger’s dx then!! Would have changed EVERYTHING!!!)
Thus — my vote is for long-term rehab. I have been in 28 day programs. Meh. I guess they are ok. But not as near as helpful as a six month program if you can get him into one. (I was sent by court, so I was “lucky.”) So — 3 day detox is basically worthless, UNLESS he is going right into program. And I’d take 28/30 day program over nothing. Someone can go to a program before they are totally ready to quit, and find that readiness there. As long as there is a smidge of willingness.
Good luck!!!