I am helping a child learn to read, and his mother has diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome (not officially diagnosed). Here is what I have observed so far, and I need to know if you think the mother's diagnoses is correct, and please give me any advice that will help me to help this child.
Any advice or information you can give me would be most helpful. I have so little experience with Aspergers that I am unsure of what questions I should be asking you.
P.S. He goes to a public school, but I tutor him at home (The County provides this service free for the family)
- He is very loving...likes to kiss me on the cheek and hug a lot.
- I was told that he could not read at grade level (grade 1). However when I played a board game, and asked him to read to me (and answer questions about what he read) at specific points in the game, he read and comprehended above grade level. When I told his mother about it, she said she was told he could not read well...she seemed surprised.
- He can only work about an hour at a time, and then becomes distracted, and unwilling to continue. Sometimes going under the table, or leaving the room. I tried to take several breaks (let him color/ walk around the yard together). These things work with several of my children, but not with this child.
- Social skills are different than what I am use to. He once tried to put his hands on me in an inappropriate place on my chest.
- Once he left the room, and when he returned (I called him back), he asked me if I wanted to see his under garments. When I said no he did stop, and returned to his seat. We repeated reading using the board game, but that is all I could get him to do.
- The only thing that seem to work is playing a board game as he read. What are other things do you think would work?
Any advice or information you can give me would be most helpful. I have so little experience with Aspergers that I am unsure of what questions I should be asking you.
P.S. He goes to a public school, but I tutor him at home (The County provides this service free for the family)