If you had to pick out one single piece of advice worth more than any other thing you’ve ever been told in your life, which one would it be?
For me it was from my grandfather, an amazingly clever man and always very calm and quiet to be around. None of us had heard of things like autism back then, I was just the weird kid that couldn’t fit in with others. I was only about 7 years old and he said:
“Don’t go dreaming in the realms of What If. You can get lost in there. You play with the cards you’ve been dealt.”
I took that to mean that I should stop trying to be like everyone else because it wasn’t going to work. In effect, he told me I should be me and make use of what I’ve got.
For me it was from my grandfather, an amazingly clever man and always very calm and quiet to be around. None of us had heard of things like autism back then, I was just the weird kid that couldn’t fit in with others. I was only about 7 years old and he said:
“Don’t go dreaming in the realms of What If. You can get lost in there. You play with the cards you’ve been dealt.”
I took that to mean that I should stop trying to be like everyone else because it wasn’t going to work. In effect, he told me I should be me and make use of what I’ve got.