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Albums and Media issues


the ghost of this place
Does anyone else have problems with their uploaded media/albums? I had noticed that mine were not showing up for me anywhere that they should be, such as by the tab on my profile, it doesn't show up there at all. It says, 'this user has not uploaded any media' etc. I could only access them if someone commented or liked them, by using the notification link. Or direct link through my browsing history.

But now I can't even upload anything either. I tried uploading a graphic to my album, and it gives me an error message.

Am I the only one with problems with media and albums?
What web browser are you using? Is it via a desktop or device? Hopefully Brent will be able to help out, but any extra info should help him in figuring out the issue.
What web browser are you using? Is it via a desktop or device? Hopefully Brent will be able to help out, but any extra info should help him in figuring out the issue.

I'm using Firefox, most recent version. My desktop computer. I don't have any other devices to check if they work. I did send him a screenshot of what it said, so hopefully that helps. It isn't my cache or anything. It's just strange because the forums aren't registering that I've uploaded anything at all _to me_ as the account holder, yet Oni checked it and he could see them just fine as a viewer. So the forum itself is telling me that I have not uploaded any media. But I have. It was even stranger that I get an error message when trying to upload another graphic. I tried yesterday and today, with different images. It just feels very strange to not be able to access it via conventional means. :D

But not being able to upload was like, noooo. I think I need to go live in a cabin somewhere. Live in the woods or something. Dispense with this technology stuff. :D

Thanks Vanilla :)
I'm using Firefox, most recent version. My desktop computer. I don't have any other devices to check if they work. I did send him a screenshot of what it said, so hopefully that helps. It isn't my cache or anything. It's just strange because the forums aren't registering that I've uploaded anything at all _to me_ as the account holder, yet Oni checked it and he could see them just fine as a viewer. So the forum itself is telling me that I have not uploaded any media. But I have. It was even stranger that I get an error message when trying to upload another graphic. I tried yesterday and today, with different images. It just feels very strange to not be able to access it via conventional means. :D

But not being able to upload was like, noooo. I think I need to go live in a cabin somewhere. Live in the woods or something. Dispense with this technology stuff. :D

Thanks Vanilla :)
That is odd, lol. Yeah, technology, right? :P

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