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All I want is... (social media related)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Instagram pretty much blocked access to my previous accounts, had one for my current photography and one for uploading vintage photos

Awhile I created a new account for my current photography, last night "attempted" to create another account for the vintage photos, the new account is there, but *ahem* it's not working quite right, and Instagram is being rather difficult to work with and I'm getting rather frustrated in the process!

I just simply want somewhere to share the the vintage photos (I scan them), because I know people enjoy them, that's all, meantime it's a rather difficult process! :mad:

Just venting really, because I am getting increasingly frustrated over this entire process o_O It shouldn't be this difficult, and my patience is waning, heading out soon anyway for an outing, deal with it later, again...
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I just simply want somewhere to share the the vintage photos (I scan them), because I know people enjoy them, that's all, meantime it's a rather difficult process! :mad:

Do you attempt any due diligence pertinent to copyright considerations when you upload such images? If such things are unknown to the host, they may be blocking them just out of a sense of caution on their part. Especially regarding very old images whose copyrights may be difficult to ascertain if they actually exist.

Then again, they are also exercising a capricious sense of censorship as well, with regards to anything they may deem as being controversial depending on the content. A relatively new Instagram policy referred to as "Sensitive Content Control". :confused:

In the US it's no secret that government is pressuring online media to be more proactive about monitoring and managing uploaded content. And in the case of major players, it's likely to remain a "tug-of-war" between government, the judiciary and the private sector as to who is actually responsible.

Compounded with multiple governments having different perceptions of authority over media.
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Er, just a thought, but... maybe find somewhere else to share them?

Social media is... not exactly the most positive thing, even when it's working fine... and that's an understatement. And Instagram is one of the BIG ones, which makes it even more problematic than most. Remember that it does not exist for your convenience, it exists purely to make money, so they arent going to care all that much about your issues with it. But surely there are other more positive places.

The internet is an enormous place, and photography is a very common hobby and interest. There are a bazillion places & ways for you to share this special interest of yours with others... you just have to find them.
Er, just a thought, but... maybe find somewhere else to share them?

Social media is... not exactly the most positive thing, even when it's working fine... and that's an understatement. And Instagram is one of the BIG ones, which makes it even more problematic than most. Remember that it does not exist for your convenience, it exists purely to make money, so they arent going to care all that much about your issues with it. But surely there are other more positive places.

The internet is an enormous place, and photography is a very common hobby and interest. There are a bazillion places & ways for you to share this special interest of yours with others... you just have to find them.

Good points.

Part of the variety of the Internet involves different approaches when it comes to legal and ethical considerations of uploaded content. For so many "players", I suspect few of them operate on the same playing field.

Where some may prove to be quite difficult, others may not be similarly concerned. Those with the highest profiles are more likely to be the ones selectively targeted by government.
The posting of vintage photos is fine.... Completely legal...

I just enjoy sharing them

I see your point @Misery I have a large vintage photo collection and want somewhere to showcase at least some of it... And that alone seems to be a challenge, and I do know Instagram isn't exactly user friendly...
The posting of vintage photos is fine.... Completely legal...

Are you referring to public domain images created before January of 1923?

Otherwise most copyright concerns amount to well...a "slippery slope". Where entities like Instagram and others may act preemptively whether they have all the facts or not. That what you believe or understand may be academic to them. Where your liability is either secondary or non-existent, while theirs remains primary.

Though from my own perspective, violating copyrights online seems so rampant these days that most involved parties have given up on enforcing them. But those hosting platforms allowing it happen still carry potential liability. Making it tough at times for folks like yourself.

The most critical consideration being that you are posting your images on their terms- not yours. And that they enforce such terms accordingly whether they are legally right or wrong. You may find other such platforms with similar terms, yet where they aren't necessarily enforced so rigidly. Especially if they are under the radar of various government regulators.
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Are you referring to public domain images created before January of 1923?

Otherwise most copyright concerns amount to well...a "slippery slope". Where entities like Instagram and others may act preemptively whether they have all the facts or not. That what you believe or understand may be academic to them. Where your liability is either secondary or non-existent, while theirs remains primary.

Though from my own perspective, violating copyrights online seems so rampant these days that most involved parties have given up on enforcing them. But those hosting platforms allowing it happen still carry potential liability. Making it tough at times for folks like yourself.

The most critical consideration being that you are posting your images on their terms- not yours. And that they enforce such terms accordingly whether they are legally right or wrong. You may find other such platforms with similar terms, yet where they aren't necessarily enforced so rigidly. Especially if they are under the radar of various government regulators.

I previously posted vintage photos on there and other people do as well... That account is basically frozen because of a software issue I had (long story)

I'm still acquiring vintage photos but have nowhere to post them right now

Theoretically vintage photo Copyright belongs to whoever took the photo, but in terms of enforcing that it's rarely done, especially with found/acquired photos...
Theoretically vintage photo Copyright belongs to whoever took the photo, but in terms of enforcing that it's rarely done, especially with found/acquired photos...

Theoretically indeed. Unfortunately parsing intellectual property rights is a bit more complicated than that from the perspective of the American Bar Association:


I previously posted vintage photos on there and other people do as well... That account is basically frozen because of a software issue I had (long story)

Sounds intriguing. What would be the nature of such a software issue that would cause them to freeze your account? Presumably that's not a content consideration at all.
Where I went today to escape my troubles and thoughts... :). Even what I'm referring to from last night has nothing to do with content
Even what I'm referring to from last night has nothing to do with content

One thing for sure, most hosts don't freeze a user account unless in their minds something you did violates their terms and conditions. Something triggered such a reaction, whatever it may be.

If not a content issue, I'm just trying to fully understand what you are actually referring to.
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One thing for sure, most hosts don't freeze a user account unless in their minds something you did violates their terms and conditions. Something triggered such a reaction, whatever it may be.

If not a content issue, I'm just trying to fully understand what you are actually referring to.

I'm not sure myself which is why I'm confused :eek:. Right now I'm in a small town at a coffee shop not even thinking about it...
Maybe you're in the equivalent of "facebook jail". I've had friends that have posted harmless things that someone reported, and then Facebook locked them out of their account for 30 days, without telling them.

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