About 2 million years ago, primates on the planes of the savannah in Africa had to begin to venture out of the safety of the trees,and move into wide open planes to find food. This was in part do to the changing climate which radically altered the geographic landscape. This was the first instance of upright bipedalism. You can debate the merits of evolution, and i will respect your opinion, but There is a large amount of evidence of a family tree of hominids that led to modern man. Including the fact that we share 98.8% of the same DNA with chimpanzees. We also share 18% of our Dna with bakers yeast so Basically dna is the fabric that composes all life that we all share.
In our 2 million year time line, civilization and society have existed for about 10,000 years of those.
What i am getting at is this. We are wired to acknowledge a hierarchy, as basically all mammals are. Alpha doesn't equal good and beta doesn't equal bad. One study showed that beta chimps actually have higher levels of stress hormones and other negative biological indicators of having more stress than their alpha counterparts. None the less, this is a necessary parts of a sytstem designed to ensure the survival of a group and to ensure that the best genetic material is passed so that a species develops into a stronger version of itself. 10,000 years of civilization between us and wild man has not made us all that different.
The context you are speaking of of ALphas and betas is a socially defined one. But, to say that it isn't wired into our dna, or that we dont have biological ques that are effected by this type of wiring would be to deny the primal part of ourselves, and i just don't believe we are really as civilized as we like to think we are. This is part of our neurological wiring and part of who we are.
Sorry, im not trying to deliberately be provocative, but i would say that i do think that to deny this part of us is also to deny a part of inate biological wiring - I also think that a more modern definition of Someone that deserves to be called an alpha, is someone that tries hard at life,and is a good person.
Respectfully, Azul