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Am I normal?

Hi Guys, my whole life iv felt like I'm different, like people don't understand me and something is wrong. I'm wondering if someone can give me some advice on what they think, I have a cousin who has Aspergers and I have always felt like I'm similar to him in some ways.

This is fairly long so I don't expect you to read it all, I just started writing this on my phone and It ended up in a lot of detail and thought I should post it somewhere..

I have always found it extremely difficult to keep a conversations going with people, I find it hard to concentrate when people are speaking to me which makes it very difficult to remember things I have been told. This makes it hard to make conversations with people as I often forget things about events/interests in their daily lives.

When I do speak I predominately talk about myself and my interests because of this but I also try not to overdo in too much detail it with people I don't know very well as I don't want to come off as only being only interested in myself. I want people to tell me about themselves but I have a very hard time with what to ask them to get them to tell me these things.

When first trying to get to know someone I ask a lot of questions but can never really follow up after they answer me, it's more like I'm following a list of what to ask someone, copying a set of rules on how to talk to people but lack the skill to keep things going.

I find it difficult to look at people in the eye, I will drift to another part of their face or stare into space in the fear that I'm staring at them.

I find I do eventually start to get along with people when forced to see them on a regular basis but have difficulty to organise or do anything outside of that situation. There have been a select few at work that I think I get along quite well with (after many years of working with) but as soon they leave, change stores I have a bad habit keeping in touch and end up dropping off all communication with them in the fear they don't really see me as a friend and will question why I'm contacting them or don't really know how to contact them correctly.

On the other hand the very few friends I do have, I become extremely attached, and do start to feel comfortable with. Although I'm still often quiet and sometimes show no emotion with them.

These people probably don't see a problem with me as they have no idea what I'm like when interacting with new people and don't realise this quiet, apparently emotionless person is what I'm like 95% of the time with new people. The people I'm close with also see me the majority of the time when I'm drunk/high - and that gets me to the next point.

I have an addictive personality, iv been smoking for 7 years and I have had a love/hate relationship the whole time and been trying to quit ever since I started but my anxiety has always driven me back.

I have had some trouble with substance abuse, I don't even like to drink on my own but I abuse it in social situations. I used to be a massive stoner as I also felt this alleviated my social awkwardness but eventually it made me more awkward and no longer had any benefit so I stopped easily.

MDMA - Its pathetic but the first time I tried ecstasy I thought to myself "Is this how normal people are suppose to feel?" I felt like I could finally get my point across to people and show how much I care for people, I know that it helps everyone express themselves more but for me I just felt like a normal person for first time. Iv always cared so much about my friends and family but never been able to show it and ecstasy allows me to do that.

I do usually remember everything that I have done or said on mdma and I rarely regret any of it. The next day I usually think "good job Sean, you have finally said the **** you've been thinking for the last few months"

I have always had great difficulty in learning through regular means, iv never enjoyed being taught in person. Although I do think I have a passion for learning on my own. I usually use the internet for this, I know what sources to look for, what information is reliable or not, and I feel like the majority of what Iv learnt my whole life comes from the internet. I don't think I learnt a anything in school. I always have so many questions even the stupidest little things and I've always turned to the internet to look for the answers.

My general knowledge is terrible, I was always awful at basic math (still am), basic geographic locations, remembering people and major historical moments. I remember when I was in primary school I used to go into extreme panic when a teacher would ask me a simple addition or multiplication or where a simple city like Perth was located. I'd sit there freaking out, heart pounding, face turning into a beetroot.

Once I got to about year 8 and was aloud to use a calculator I realised I was actually quite good at maths which I didn't think was even possible for me. I found more complex problems a breeze. I loved algebra and saw it as a fun puzzle to solve.

In maths I would always bludge the whole lesson with my friends and get in trouble for not doing any work and the teachers would get pissed off and tell me I was going to fail but I always came out with a high result where my friends would fail miserably.

At the same time I never actually learnt anything during class, any maths subjects I would still have a hard time understanding at the time as I wasn't able to concentrate to what my teachers were saying. It wasn't until I got home and learnt it myself that I realised what was going on.

My parents used to try to push me to be an artist, but what they never realised is I lack creativity and imagination. Every single piece of artwork that I have done was a copy in some way or another. A copy of a live model and recreating that on paper, copying an image and redrawing it in a larger proportion, copying ideas from the internet and then creating my own art from that idea. My artworks looked good but I felt it was always more technical than creative.

Ive always become very obsessed with things that strike my interest. Computers and the Internet for one has been my longest obsession that has never really faltered. But for the most case my interests come and go. Sometimes I can become extremely addicted with one thing and it will take over my thinking for a certain period of time where I find it difficult to think about anything else and then all of a sudden I'll find something new to look into and forget all about the prior interest.

I feel as if I'm very close minded but smart when it comes to the things I enjoy. I also don't think anyone would agree with this and a lot of people see me as stupid probably because I have a hard time getting my point across or talking in detail about the things I love. I often turn to forums to discuss my interests as they typically aren't the interests of most people.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with me, maybe I'm just self absorbed and can't stop worrying about myself, but i don't enjoy being this way. I love people but I don't feel like I can relate.
I don't consider anything wrong with you at all. I use to be concern about myself thinking there something wrong with me and having trouble connecting with people. Once I learned about Aspergers, I learned there nothing wrong with me. Yes I might be different than the norm but there nothing wrong with that. I'm not afraid to show people me being different even if the person give me a look considering me odd. I learned me accepting who I'm made me to have less stress in my life. I don't worry about things with people anymore as it drains too much of my energy. I learned to enjoy doing things alone. Though I understand not everyone can enjoy things alone. Anyways, have no shame. You are you, a great person and don't let anyone else think otherwise.
Normal is also boring. Really, as long as you're not doing anything like running around hurting people, you'll do just fine. And you'll fit right in here.
Good grief, man! If you typed all of that into a phone, you probably ARE an Aspie! ;)

Seriously, Johnny, it sounds as though Asperger's fits your list. But nobody here but you can determine this for certain. If you are, you wouldn't be "abnormal". You'd just be normal for a different group. And not a terribly obscure one, either. We are many, and many more than is even known. A good number of us here are self-diagnosed, so we're not officially "on the record". Getting to know the members here, and studying the wonderful collection of resources that the members here have compiled, might help you come to a conclusion about yourself.

I have to mention your statement that you "lack creativity and imagination," such that you can't look at yourself as an artist. Plenty of famous artists got famous doing "copies" of life, so to speak. Technical talent is still talent. If you base your more original works on others' ideas, that still shows a measure of creativity and imagination. Art is theft, as Picasso said. Nearly every piece of art made today [or ever] is inspired by something the artist first saw in life, even if the result is greatly abstracted or idealised. In short...don't sell yourself short.

Finally, if you re-read your list of traits that cause you concern, you may start to see where several of them can be harnessed as assets. Whatever the name of your case might be, you have some characteristics that can make you much better than just "normal". You just have to commit to a slow and steady process of embracing them and learning to put them to use. That's another way the people here at AC can help you. You'll find members who represent every stage of that journey. Thus, I hope you'll stick around.

Welcome aboard.
Hi, Johnny. Aim above "normal." We should all be unique, and our quirks make our personality what it is. Like Ereth says, "Normal is also boring."

... My parents used to try to push me to be an artist, but what they never realised is I lack creativity and imagination. Every single piece of artwork that I have done was a copy in some way or another ... My artworks looked good but I felt it was always more technical than creative.

I feel this way about writing. I'm a fairly good writer, but I have no creativity or imagination to write stories or even a good news article. I've been told my writing doesn't convey emotion. Well, duh. I don't convey emotion. :rolleyes: Anyway, I've decided what I'm best at is technical writing. I can explain a process like nobody's business. Maybe you can put your artistic ability to some use that doesn't require you to create something new?

Glad to have you join us!
Thanks everyone for all your replies :) I probably shouldn't have used the term "normal" not that i want to be that either. I am happy with who i am, i just get a bit upset from time to time as if i feel no one really understands me even though having people around makes me happy when i really know a person. I don't know if i have aspergers, i have always avoided going to see someone about it as iv always worried they'll just shrug it off and think I'm over reacting or making things up / or tell me everyone has some level of anxiety in some form like my family tells me. I'm not even sure if i want to know, i have struggled a lot in my career life and I'm worried if i find out i have some kind of disorder then i may use that as an excuse to give up. At the same time it would help for my family / friends to understand me.

In saying all that, i should mention i gave up on the whole art thing a while back. Out of school i went to UNI to study computer science, i was getting high distinctions in my programming courses however i dropped out after 2 semesters because i felt awkward as i didn't get a long with anyone, my social anxiety got the better of me. I then went to tafe to study graphic design, dropped out because all the people were too 'artsy' and had all these in depth ideas about everything and it just didn't feel like me. I then did web design as Tafe and droped out of that as soon as i got to a point where we had to do a group assignment, freaked out and never showed up again. I never really told my family what the real reason why i dropped all these courses, they think i just gave up.

2 years ago i started a Website selling third party gaming accessories and replacements parts for retro gaming consoles. It has had it's ups and downs but it is starting to go well and iv never been so determined to succeed at something in my life. A lot of people i think, see my business as a bit weird and like I'm looking for a way out from getting a real job, but i don't want a real job, a 9-5 job has never been an aspiration of mine i always wanted to find another way. It is truly the only thing making me happy these last couple of years. I get to incorporate my love for computers, internet, gaming and art all into the one project and it has given me a lot of purpose. I just wish i had more of a social life.

Thanks for hearing me out and for everyones kind words :) I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Just a general questions to everyone, have you been officially diagnosed or self diagnosed? Sure or uncertain? Do you want to know or not want to know? How did you go about finding out if you have been self diagnosed?

I did the aspergers quiz and scored a 32
2 years ago i started a Website selling third party gaming accessories and replacements parts for retro gaming consoles. It has had it's ups and downs but it is starting to go well and iv never been so determined to succeed at something in my life. A lot of people i think, see my business as a bit weird and like I'm looking for a way out from getting a real job, but i don't want a real job, a 9-5 job has never been an aspiration of mine i always wanted to find another way. It is truly the only thing making me happy these last couple of years. I get to incorporate my love for computers, internet, gaming and art all into the one project and it has given me a lot of purpose. I just wish i had more of a social life.

Thanks for hearing me out and for everyones kind words :) I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Just a general questions to everyone, have you been officially diagnosed or self diagnosed? Sure or uncertain? Do you want to know or not want to know? How did you go about finding out if you have been self diagnosed?

I'm self-diagnosed, after a relative who works professionally with people on the autism spectrum strongly suggested I should look into it. I went to the library and did some reading online, and very simply, I recognised myself. Self-diagnosis has been enough for me for the past ten years since the question was raised. I fit the profile too well to need clinical confirmation. I have other conditions that have been officially diagnosed, which may have made it easier to accept having AS without a doctor's say-so. Everyone here who is self-diagnosed has their own reasons for leaving it there. All of them are valid.

Your business isn't weird at all. It's entrepreneurship. Given your symptoms, it makes sense that you would want to have your own business. I've been much the same. Thanks to the Internet, starting your own thing has become much easier. I'm surprised more people aren't doing it, at least as a sideline. My partner also likes both computers and art, and has started doing Photoshop work for people online. With relatively little effort and a bit of time, he's making more than pocket money. Not everyone is meant for a regular job. Some just like the freedom of having control over how they spend their time. Good for you for having the vision to go your own way.
Hi Guys, my whole life iv felt like I'm different, like people don't understand me and something is wrong. I'm wondering if someone can give me some advice on what they think, I have a cousin who has Aspergers and I have always felt like I'm similar to him in some ways.

This is fairly long so I don't expect you to read it all, I just started writing this on my phone and It ended up in a lot of detail and thought I should post it somewhere..

I have always found it extremely difficult to keep a conversations going with people, I find it hard to concentrate when people are speaking to me which makes it very difficult to remember things I have been told. This makes it hard to make conversations with people as I often forget things about events/interests in their daily lives.

When I do speak I predominately talk about myself and my interests because of this but I also try not to overdo in too much detail it with people I don't know very well as I don't want to come off as only being only interested in myself. I want people to tell me about themselves but I have a very hard time with what to ask them to get them to tell me these things.

When first trying to get to know someone I ask a lot of questions but can never really follow up after they answer me, it's more like I'm following a list of what to ask someone, copying a set of rules on how to talk to people but lack the skill to keep things going.

I find it difficult to look at people in the eye, I will drift to another part of their face or stare into space in the fear that I'm staring at them.

I find I do eventually start to get along with people when forced to see them on a regular basis but have difficulty to organise or do anything outside of that situation. There have been a select few at work that I think I get along quite well with (after many years of working with) but as soon they leave, change stores I have a bad habit keeping in touch and end up dropping off all communication with them in the fear they don't really see me as a friend and will question why I'm contacting them or don't really know how to contact them correctly.

On the other hand the very few friends I do have, I become extremely attached, and do start to feel comfortable with. Although I'm still often quiet and sometimes show no emotion with them.

These people probably don't see a problem with me as they have no idea what I'm like when interacting with new people and don't realise this quiet, apparently emotionless person is what I'm like 95% of the time with new people. The people I'm close with also see me the majority of the time when I'm drunk/high - and that gets me to the next point.

I have an addictive personality, iv been smoking for 7 years and I have had a love/hate relationship the whole time and been trying to quit ever since I started but my anxiety has always driven me back.

I have had some trouble with substance abuse, I don't even like to drink on my own but I abuse it in social situations. I used to be a massive stoner as I also felt this alleviated my social awkwardness but eventually it made me more awkward and no longer had any benefit so I stopped easily.

MDMA - Its pathetic but the first time I tried ecstasy I thought to myself "Is this how normal people are suppose to feel?" I felt like I could finally get my point across to people and show how much I care for people, I know that it helps everyone express themselves more but for me I just felt like a normal person for first time. Iv always cared so much about my friends and family but never been able to show it and ecstasy allows me to do that.

I do usually remember everything that I have done or said on mdma and I rarely regret any of it. The next day I usually think "good job Sean, you have finally said the **** you've been thinking for the last few months"

I have always had great difficulty in learning through regular means, iv never enjoyed being taught in person. Although I do think I have a passion for learning on my own. I usually use the internet for this, I know what sources to look for, what information is reliable or not, and I feel like the majority of what Iv learnt my whole life comes from the internet. I don't think I learnt a anything in school. I always have so many questions even the stupidest little things and I've always turned to the internet to look for the answers.

My general knowledge is terrible, I was always awful at basic math (still am), basic geographic locations, remembering people and major historical moments. I remember when I was in primary school I used to go into extreme panic when a teacher would ask me a simple addition or multiplication or where a simple city like Perth was located. I'd sit there freaking out, heart pounding, face turning into a beetroot.

Once I got to about year 8 and was aloud to use a calculator I realised I was actually quite good at maths which I didn't think was even possible for me. I found more complex problems a breeze. I loved algebra and saw it as a fun puzzle to solve.

In maths I would always bludge the whole lesson with my friends and get in trouble for not doing any work and the teachers would get pissed off and tell me I was going to fail but I always came out with a high result where my friends would fail miserably.

At the same time I never actually learnt anything during class, any maths subjects I would still have a hard time understanding at the time as I wasn't able to concentrate to what my teachers were saying. It wasn't until I got home and learnt it myself that I realised what was going on.

My parents used to try to push me to be an artist, but what they never realised is I lack creativity and imagination. Every single piece of artwork that I have done was a copy in some way or another. A copy of a live model and recreating that on paper, copying an image and redrawing it in a larger proportion, copying ideas from the internet and then creating my own art from that idea. My artworks looked good but I felt it was always more technical than creative.

Ive always become very obsessed with things that strike my interest. Computers and the Internet for one has been my longest obsession that has never really faltered. But for the most case my interests come and go. Sometimes I can become extremely addicted with one thing and it will take over my thinking for a certain period of time where I find it difficult to think about anything else and then all of a sudden I'll find something new to look into and forget all about the prior interest.

I feel as if I'm very close minded but smart when it comes to the things I enjoy. I also don't think anyone would agree with this and a lot of people see me as stupid probably because I have a hard time getting my point across or talking in detail about the things I love. I often turn to forums to discuss my interests as they typically aren't the interests of most people.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with me, maybe I'm just self absorbed and can't stop worrying about myself, but i don't enjoy being this way. I love people but I don't feel like I can relate.

Johnny, I took my time reading this as every single word sounds exactly like me and how I was growing up at school. Maths was the worst subject and was seen as being 'lazy', but inside I hadn't a f**king clue how to do the subject no matter how many times people went over it with me.

I still find it nearly impossible to keep a conversation flowing too and I get by with learning 'scripted' speech or copy how others act and see if it suits me to be that way. If not, I'll remain quiet until I find something I'd be happy to say.

I'm a practicing artist myself and find it difficult to fit in socially during classes, despite achieving distinction levels too. I find what holds me back is a lack of imagination to create models for projects so I just take inspiration off other artists online. It's true that is what other artists do. It's not copying as such, just making it into your own, almost. I still go beetroot when asked basic questions in a group setting and clam up. I do give out an answer, but it's all panicky and I always think people are secretly judging me, including the tutor. I'm very good at picking up vibes and peoples' emotions so I can tell if someone thinks there's something not quite right with me. But who are they to judge? Everyone is equal and different inside and out. (equality and diversity) and have different paces in learning, which I have now accepted about myself and others.

I did a painting of a dog for two elderly people who come into my work regularly and they have invited me round to their house for a chat and a cuppa. I will bring over some of my artwork prints to show them what I can do. At least that will be an ice breaker, but after that, I'm going to be socially awkward, I know it! I don't want to put it off either, as I promised them I would come round, but didn't say when, so that's a little pressure off me. Will go for a wee while and pre-think what I will say. It's always better when I had someone to come with me.

It's nice to have you here. I relate to you a lot.
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i don't want a real job, a 9-5 job has never been an aspiration of mine i always wanted to find another way. It is truly the only thing making me happy these last couple of years ... Just a general questions to everyone, have you been officially diagnosed or self diagnosed? Sure or uncertain? Do you want to know or not want to know? How did you go about finding out if you have been self diagnosed?

I believe a lot of us on the autistic spectrum are not suited to regular employment. Quite a few of us are self-employed. Someone should do a poll here to see how many AC members are self-employed (maybe I'll get around to that :)). It's just a better fit because we can make our own schedules.

I'm self-diagnosed. I read extensively on the subject and took many tests. I'd like to get an official diagnosis, but it takes time and money. Being self-employed in a now undervalued business, it's hard to come up with funds for luxuries like that. I know what I am, so I'm not too worried about it, but the diagnosis might allow me to receive some benefits in the way of low-cost or free counseling. That would be helpful for some of my issues.
The other favorite tests are the RAADS-R and the Aspie Quiz.

My dad was one point behind my first AQ score, but he was quite normal on the RAADS-R and Aspie Quiz.

Just a general questions to everyone, have you been officially diagnosed or self diagnosed? Sure or uncertain? Do you want to know or not want to know? How did you go about finding out if you have been self diagnosed?
I am self-diagnosed, and fairly certain of it. I meet the female autistic symptoms almost to a T. I would love an official diagnosis, but not until my son is grown. My experience with social workers has left much to be desired, and I don't intend for them to use autism as an excuse to take my son away. (I've been called a child abuser by a social worker because I won't get naked on command. Explain that logic!)

My mother has a bachelor's in psychology, and she's always said she thought I had a touch of autism. Not surprising, females present differently than males, so at most we usually do seem to have "just a touch" of it. There was a woman I met about ten years ago who was autistic, and I identified with her on a lot of things, but I didn't bother pursuing to see if I was autistic too since I idolized her and probably would have had skewed results. Then later I met an autistic and Aspie fellow (back when it wasn't all considered under the autistic family). I heavily identified with one of them, still didn't seek it out. A few years later, thinking over all my oddities and issues, I decided to do a proper search as to why I have such social problems and issues with cleaning chemicals. Because "allergies" just wasn't cutting it for me, and "social anxiety" left too much out too. I came across a few medical sites discussing autism and Asperger's, it seemed to fit kinda well. I dug more, found the lady at Musings of an Aspie, and then I found the autistic lists I matched up with so well. Espiecally this list. Eventually, I found my way here and along the way I'm pretty convinced I'm autistic.

In saying all that, i should mention i gave up on the whole art thing a while back. Out of school i went to UNI to study computer science, i was getting high distinctions in my programming courses however i dropped out after 2 semesters because i felt awkward as i didn't get a long with anyone, my social anxiety got the better of me. I then went to tafe to study graphic design, dropped out because all the people were too 'artsy' and had all these in depth ideas about everything and it just didn't feel like me. I then did web design as Tafe and droped out of that as soon as i got to a point where we had to do a group assignment, freaked out and never showed up again. I never really told my family what the real reason why i dropped all these courses, they think i just gave up.

2 years ago i started a Website selling third party gaming accessories and replacements parts for retro gaming consoles. It has had it's ups and downs but it is starting to go well and iv never been so determined to succeed at something in my life. A lot of people i think, see my business as a bit weird and like I'm looking for a way out from getting a real job, but i don't want a real job, a 9-5 job has never been an aspiration of mine i always wanted to find another way. It is truly the only thing making me happy these last couple of years. I get to incorporate my love for computers, internet, gaming and art all into the one project and it has given me a lot of purpose. I just wish i had more of a social life.

Many partial degrees and dropping out due to social issues is supposedly a highly common trait among autistic people. I'd say you have a pretty good chance of being one of us, at the very least you definitely have some social anxiety.
I'm going to go ahead and give you your official diagnosis. Your an aspie. Welcome to the world of people who are not normal by worldly standards. I spent most of my life wondering why I was so different and finally ran across a Temple Grandin video that a friend posted on facebook that answered all my questions. I have learned to kind of like being this way. Now that I know it is almost a relief to look back and finally have an explanation for my weirdness.
Hi, Johnny. Aim above "normal." We should all be unique, and our quirks make our personality what it is. Like Ereth says, "Normal is also boring."

I feel this way about writing. I'm a fairly good writer, but I have no creativity or imagination to write stories or even a good news article. I've been told my writing doesn't convey emotion. Well, duh. I don't convey emotion. :rolleyes: Anyway, I've decided what I'm best at is technical writing. I can explain a process like nobody's business. Maybe you can put your artistic ability to some use that doesn't require you to create something new?

Glad to have you join us!
Thanks for sharing, especially about the artistic thing. I totally relate to that. I've never heard anyone put it that way! Im very talented in the technical sense with art but not with creativity except with maybe the colors. My parents pushed me to 've an artist for a long time too. Thanks for sharing. Welcome!
What is normal anyway ? Any one who thinks they are smart enough to decide what is normal must be an idiot. I wouldn't want to be normal !

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