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An eccentric... so I'm anything you want to see in me


Well-Known Member
I have studied sciences and have advanced degree, I have my own style, I'm funny expressive clown, I hhave serioud philodopjical moments, I make children laugh by random improvisation, I do not give a damn about being normal unless I have to be, I have suffered a neurological damage before birth.

Therefore I have autism? This is what autism experts think. A psychiatrist says I'm personality disordered, a neurologist calls for personality changing brain trauma, another psychiatrist says I'm bit psychotic, one therapists says I have ADHD not autism because warmth and empathy.


Actually, I have most respect towards the neurologist.
Hi you are who you are and from what I get from your posting seem happy with the person you are and come across positive, what importance does a diagnosis and medical opinion which is so varied matter? curious for your feedback as I had a late diagnosis and have received more tips, advice and understanding here than from any professional person
Yeah. I usually find it troublesome when people want to label weirdos like me. There are or has been several weirdos in the world. It probably boils down to an anomaly in neurology but I think it should not go any further than that usually.

DSM needs neuropsychological disorder NOS.
I have studied sciences and have advanced degree, I have my own style, I'm funny expressive clown, I hhave serioud philodopjical moments, I make children laugh by random improvisation, I do not give a damn about being normal unless I have to be, I have suffered a neurological damage before birth.

Therefore I have autism? This is what autism experts think. A psychiatrist says I'm personality disordered, a neurologist calls for personality changing brain trauma, another psychiatrist says I'm bit psychotic, one therapists says I have ADHD not autism because warmth and empathy.


Actually, I have most respect towards the neurologist.

I would run from the neurologist who calls for personality changing brain trauma. Beyond that, I would not accept any diagnosis without more support than you have provided. Maybe reflect on all of the information you have, and decide for yourself what makes sense?

Welcome to Autism Forums!
Like Rasputin saying what sounds right to you? You still sound like a interesting person. I prefer different people because they challenge the definition of normal. What is normal? What is weird ? I like hanging out with quirky people. They are more fun, less pretense. Normal just is blah to me now. Maybe l am weird too.☺ Welcome! Coffee is always on here, but the donuts are always gone.
Welcome to the forum!

I'd say look around and decide for yourself, maybe you'll find something that will surprise you. At the end of the day, though, you don't need a label if you're comfortable with who you are.

but the donuts are always gone.

Agree with all of the above comments, individuals and those who are different are often a joy,it's society, the majority supposed 'norms' hey what's normal but a restriction of those outside of the majority think tank of 'acceptable' so yes get varied 'expert' opinions and YOU decide what fits, what may in some aspects have truth and was is subjective and opinion.
I would run from the neurologist who calls for personality changing brain trauma.

Well, he is objectively right IMO [it has affected my social development from from early childhood because I couldn't have similar kind of visual stimulus from the environment and it also made others to avoid me - it is hard coded in our biology ] but I certainly see a possible stigma behind it.
Well, he is objectively right IMO [it has affected my social development from from early childhood because I couldn't have similar kind of visual stimulus from the environment and it also made others to avoid me - it is hard coded in our biology ] but I certainly see a possible stigma behind it.

All l read is a bunch of experts couldn't agree on what label to dx you as, because this sorta thing is more subjective then we know. I knew someone in the field so l have little close knowledge. I guess l would ask are you more comfortable with yourself at this junction? Or do you have a burning desire to be labeled more? By more *experts*?
I guess l would ask are you more comfortable with yourself at this junction? Or do you have a burning desire to be labeled more? By more *experts*?
(I know that question wasn't aimed at me, but my 2¢...) I have had so many ill-fitting diagnoses in my life that I was happy to finally find one that fits so well. ;)
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Do your parents or any other of your blood relatives seem like they could be autistic?

Nope. Eccentrics like they can talk about ghosts of dead relatives and give off the wall vibes also few academics and artists afaik. Abnormal perception seems to be the running theme but no one has schizophrenia.
I have been on concerta past few days and I have noticed that people have said that I look much more normal than ever before and my speech has become clear. It is like I can even do social small talk and be more aware of my surroundings which gave shivers before. That said I'm like in a state of cluelessness "What next?". I have not tried to improvise which made me funny and quirky but maybe it is due to lack of opportunities.

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