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Yes, for one, I don't look people in the face much, so of course I might not recognize them later, cause I never really saw them. I'm especially bad if I see someone out of familiar contexts. I've just blew by people I dealt with quite a few times at work, when seeing them elsewhere, dressed differently. Their faces were the same, and they were justifiable offended. I just said,I heard some Aspergians have trouble remembering faces. I don't really have that issue. However, when I'm out shopping with my mom I do have trouble remembering what she was wearing.
I don't have that issue. I just forget what she was wearing sometimes. It only happens when we're shopping.
Hairstyle to me seems to be a major way for me to identify someone. I won't recognize someone if they put their long hair up, or let it down. Or change color drastically, different haircut, etc. It does take me a while to remember who they are after a sudden change like that. I don't know how long, but a while. Could be a few hours, or a day or longer. I don't generally hang around many people outside of my mom and dad, so it's hard to say these days.If you have trouble recognizing what your mom was wearing at the mall you should take her picture with your phone before you leave home, and use this as a reference.
I can recognize most of the kids at school even when seen in a different environment. There are however a few kids who look so much alike to me that I cannot tell them apart. Other kids say they don’t look anything alike, but to me they look identical. I can only differentiate between them by the kids they are hanging out with, since they belong to different cliques. If I see them when they are alone and I am forced to acknowledge them, there is a 50% chance that I will do so incorrectly. So I tend to avoid them completely whenever possible. Another weird thing I have trouble with is when people change their hairstyle. It takes me about a week to adjust my perception and commit it to memory.
Well, now I do have that trouble too. But there is a very different reason behind that because I automatically do not remember people's faces that are simply not important to me, that I just see as a necessary nuisance, and the ones I know are trouble for sure. Why would I want to remember anyone's face after that? Already eliminated before they can even make an impression, it would only be a negative one anyways.I heard some Aspergians have trouble remembering faces. I don't really have that issue. However, when I'm out shopping with my mom I do have trouble remembering what she was wearing.