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Android or iPhone


Well-Known Member
The subject says it all! I'm an Android guy. I have a MacBook Pro but that is as far as I drink the Apple kool aide.
All operating systems have their strengths and weaknesses. There's a good amount of Kool-Aid to go around concerning Apple, and a number of misconceptions their fans have about the security of their products, but on the whole, I think I prefer iPhones, for their stability and generally being a lot less susceptible (though in no way immune) to security vulnerabilities, and because I simply find them much simpler to use. It's a matter of personal taste, in my opinion. I work a lot with Windows, being in IT, and it certainly offers a lot, beyond the "bells and whistles" you get with OS X. That said, I like that OS X is Unix-based, and it's possible to do a lot more than most people realize if the user is willing to take the step into mucking around in the terminal.
I like being able to Tinker. This is why I am Android all of the way. Android 5.1.1 and higher seems to be very stable.
I've had 2 Iphones and 3 Android phones, namely Samsung Galaxy s2 and 3, and my current Nexus 6, and I had an Iphone 3G and 5C, I enjoyed the Iphone, for downloading songs on Itunes, but since I got a Chromebook PC I can't use Itunes any more, and I now use Google Play on my Nexus to download and stream songs.

My only complaint about Android phones is it takes way too long to charge up when the charge runs out, and I'm also lucky if a full charge lasts 24 hours if I'm using the apps or making calls/texts, but other than that I love it.
Battery life is a bit of an issue, yes. I have an LG G Stylo, a budget phablet style phone. It really works well but it drinks battery like an alcoholic drinking whiskey.
iPhones, like other Apple products simply work. No corrupted files. No crashes. Regular updates that work.
Decent Androids cost at least as much as a iPhone, but still have all the problems listed above.
If I remember right, Apple only claims a 10 hr battery life, which seems about right if new and only used a bit. My wife's droid lasts days without a charge though.
No, I'm not an apple fan, but that's my experience. YMMV.
I may be a little biased since I work at Google im stickin with Android, as for Apple products I do like my Ipod.
I've had iphone in the past, I was not impressed as it smashed to smithereens really easily, it also had a problem after a while of randomly restarting and the screen going blank. I had various other issues too and according to friends who have the latest models these have not been resolved, battery life is even worse now, than it was; for example. Not all android phones have a poor battery life, one fairly low end samsung model beat a whole host of other phones for battery life, in a recent bench test. Even my huawei phone, which is meant to not be so hot when it comes to battery life, is better than iphones and not too bad at all. I would probably not get another samsung phone ever as they are also overrated and suffer from durability issues, but I am definitely sticking with android phones for the forseeable future.
The Irony is my LG Tribute 2 only costed me 60 bucks and performs on par if not better than the Iphone 4! Which still runs for a few hundred used.
I have not even one idea what an Iphone is! I mean: they look the same as any phone to me! But I do have an android, as I noted yesterday. I have a samsung galaxy prime core, which is the cheapest and newest on the market and love my phone.

But could not for the life of me, explain the pros and cons; ah well, here comes my internet research and by the end, I will know all there is to know lol

I have an old nano ipod that I still use, and my kids play with hand-me-down iphones and ipads (old versions, so expendable if they get too rough with them), but that's it for apple in this household.
The subject says it all! I'm an Android guy. I have a MacBook Pro but that is as far as I drink the Apple kool aide.
I have a cheap $30.00 Android phone from Walmart. I tend to lose phones, once I left it on the hood of my truck and ran over it. So cheap phones it is for me.

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