My phone has been on charge, plugged into the charger for the last 2 and half hours so it should by now be nearly at full charge, but I've just been in the kitchen to check, and there is no charge at all on the thing. This has happened earlier this week as well.
Has my phone gone up the shoot? I've only had it just over 2 years, it's a Motorola Nexus 6P Google phone.
Please do not just tell me to Google the problem, I need practical real time help here.
My phone has been on charge, plugged into the charger for the last 2 and half hours so it should by now be nearly at full charge, but I've just been in the kitchen to check, and there is no charge at all on the thing. This has happened earlier this week as well.
Has my phone gone up the shoot? I've only had it just over 2 years, it's a Motorola Nexus 6P Google phone.
Please do not just tell me to Google the problem, I need practical real time help here.