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Animal onesies


New Member
I’m autistic and I like to wear a wolf onesie, once I put it on I don’t want to take it off. How common is it for autistic people to like animal onesies.
I actually order regular onesies because they have pockets, and a zip back and l feel so spoiled and warm, and l use the hood on really cold nites. But l notice they now offer animal onsies.
This site is called - Forever Lazy- and the delivered they two l ordered two years ago, and l am still using.

Edit: I need the warmth they provide, but the pattern is cut well, and they are comfortable enough to sleep in without bunching up.

I like the Panda, and for the quality of the zippers and great fit, the price is reasonable.
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If you find something comfortable, it can be hard to want to wear anything else. I have this with a fleece, zip up top that I bought. I love it, and I fear I'll wear it to death. If it wasn't prohibitively expensive, I'd have bought multiples. But that's what you get for buying certain brands of clothing.


But I can’t think of many people outside of the autism spectrum that like to wear animal onesies. Unless if they are female or children. Most men who like to wear them are Autistic.
I'm more into comfort than looks, personally. You could always make a poll to see how popular animal onesies are around these parts, though
I had never heard of such things before, if it wasn't for Aspychata's link I'd have no idea what you were talking about. Seeing the pictures made me shudder, so much nylon.
My sister wears one, although she is not autistic. She is highly fantastical and loves costumes so it sort of fits.

No judgments on anyone who likes to wear them. For me, I feel claustrophobic inside anything that is one piece, and I prefer black clothes.
My sister wears one, although she is not autistic. She is highly fantastical and loves costumes so it sort of fits.

No judgments on anyone who likes to wear them. For me, I feel claustrophobic inside anything that is one piece, and I prefer black clothes.
As Johnny Cash once said: "I've never done a concert in anything but black. You walk into my clothes closet. It's dark in there."
I don't have any onesies as an adult, since I don't like wearing clothes that go all over my body. When I was a toddler I had a onesie that I constantly wore though (like, 24/7, and had tantrums when wearing anything else lmao) and it was my favourite item of clothing. I did like clothes that went all over my body then and I even preferred them.
I mostly wander around in big wooly hoodies with pyjama bottoms, socks and crocks. Because I'm ever so stylish.

I wear the crocks because they don't feel like shoes and they are easy to put on so I don't get pestered for walking around bare foot.

I'm not sure I could rock a onesie. The material they are made out of looks like the sort of stuff I find overheats me. I'm kinda undecided on the texture.
I mostly wander around in big wooly hoodies with pyjama bottoms, socks and crocks. Because I'm ever so stylish.

I wear the crocks because they don't feel like shoes and they are easy to put on so I don't get pestered for walking around bare foot.
As an Australian that's something I don't get... why complain that someone is Barefoot in public? It's their feet, not yours.

But back to topic. I had a light Cotton onesie I adored. No hood but a pattern of Carousel Horses that I was obsessed with. I wore that as my Pjs for Years until it was see through and tore. I mourned the loss of that onesie with actual tears. (I was pregnant at the time.)

Sadly it was a fast fashion garment so I can't buy a replacement.
As an Australian that's something I don't get... why complain that someone is Barefoot in public? It's their feet, not yours.

But back to topic. I had a light Cotton onesie I adored. No hood but a pattern of Carousel Horses that I was obsessed with. I wore that as my Pjs for Years until it was see through and tore. I mourned the loss of that onesie with actual tears. (I was pregnant at the time.)

Sadly it was a fast fashion garment so I can't buy a replacement.
I know, the feet thing seems to rub people up the wrong way! I guess here in the UK it's a bit more hazardous due to the dog mess and broken glass everywhere. I just forget shoes sometimes. I go out in the garden without shoes, go for the post. Winter or summer, really doesn't bother me. Though I did get halfway to the corner store in my socks a couple of times before I noticed. I did go back for my crocks as I don't think people are ready for that sort of thing here!

The thing about the crocks is that they kinda feel like they aren't there so I guess I don't notice unless it's wet outside.

I'm sorry about your onesie. I had some comfortable pyjamas that tore recently, they were so comfy but very well worn.

You may find a duplicate of your onesie on eBay or (I think it's called) Vinted. Fast fashion is bad for all sorts of reasons. Particularly if you really like something and it's not made to last long. But on the flip side, lots of people wear stuff a couple of times then it either gets chucked or goes to charity or some online store. So your favourite onesie may be out there somewhere! :-)
He was interesting. Very stiff in concert. But he was marvelous. look for the guitar on the rocking chair as a tribute to RO.

Absolutely brilliant voice though! I've just been listening to A Black and White Night concert! I can't dance but Ooby Dooby seems to trigger some natural rhythm in me :-)

The funny thing is, there's a picture of Roy Orbison standing on the very spot I used to catch the school bus from! Seems so weird he was actually in that grotty little place (lots of dog mess and broken glass in that area back then).
I had never heard of such things before, if it wasn't for Aspychata's link I'd have no idea what you were talking about. Seeing the pictures made me shudder, so much nylon.
Actually they are polar fleece. I don't overheat, and they are very soft. And if it's really cold, you just unzip the back for loo visits so you don't freeze. And this brand has pockets. :)
If somebody made leather onesies, I may be tempted.

Would probably fit like my wetsuites. Once while my spouse was away I got a new wetsuit that I ordered. Stupidly I tried it on, only to find that I could not get it off. I had to wriggle like a caterpillar up the stairs to get enough traction to start peeling it off. I was not about to go to a neighbor in a neoprene suit to ask for help.
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