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Any other aspies that are type one diabetics?

Jacob Morrison

Hingle McCringleberry
I am an aspie and I also have type one diabetes. I find it rare that I have two different major things. I was really wondering if anyone else happened to be the same way.
My granddaughter is type 1 diabetic and an aspie. She is the only one of seven known family aspies to also be diabetic.
My husband is, but I'm not. Heavily suspected reactive hypoglycemia the way I get dizzy and tunnel-visioned when I accidentally get too much carbs or sugar in one meal.
Diabetes is very prevalent in my family and I don't see a reason to tie it to AS. I have always been very overweight and have type 2, extremely well controlled with the pill metformin.
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Not for the present, but am pretty sure I am on the way to being diabetic! If I do not eat a good breakfast, I soon get very weak but the snag is, that I do not always feel like a huge breakfast!

I know someone who was like me and tested but found to not be diabetic and then, a few year's later, diabetic and pretty bad with it; she is not an aspie. My good friend has type 2 but has to take insaline which acts as a double edged sword, ie keeps her balanced, but gains weight; she is also not an aspie.
Ironically perhaps I have hypotension and I urinate frequently, so I have been checked for diabetes on multiple occasions only to have doctors say its aspergers related and not blood sugar related. Word on the street is aspies have more aquaporins...I guess because of antidiueretic hormone although why that I'm not sure...
I do have other medical problems that run in the family like motor issues and poor immunity that almost blend with the asd.
Not sure if hypoglycemia counts?
It's still in the family because it is a pancreatic problem. When my husband and I had to write a lengthy paper in college, we had to cover the three types of diabetes along with hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, both standalone and in tandem with diabetes, since they're all knotted up together.

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