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Any weird or recently developed habits?


Well-Known Member
So here’s an actual post where I’m not complaining and not feeling down. I have some things I’ve constantly done ever since I was a younger I guess around elementary school, things people don’t normally do that I guess I never grew out of. I love to swing things around my finger like a necklace or my earbuds in a helicopter like fashion. I also like to tap on the table the wall or my legs to a rhythm such as a song I recently listened to or just in general. I also tend to double of check things like making sure I actually locked the house. I would do something ,leave and then come back a minute later to make sure I actually did something or if it’s still there and I do it like two or theee times within a duration of a few minutes. All the time I tend to talk to myself such as reminding what I need to do for the day and normally a lot of people don’t do that from what I see from experience.
Recently though I just developed a odd habit for a month now where I’ve been clicking the base of my throat a few times a day not because it’s itchy I have just been doing it for no reason.
Any of you got some unusual habits?
Tons of habits I've always had and tons of new ones. lol But I did think of something that I think is a bit peculiar about myself. I had long hair most my life and growing up and teen years I was constantly putting my hair behind my ears - and I mean constant. During my teen years, I'm not sure if there is a single photo of me that I wasn't pushing my hair behind my ears and my family would fuss at me for it - especially my sister since all her wedding photos with me, I'm pushing my hair behind my ears. That's not what's peculiar, I'm sure that's a fairly common habit. But what IS odd is that I got out of that habit but it comes back when I'm around someone from that time in my life.
These days I just fully embrace the word weird, and realise it is part of being non neurotypical, ie by definition not the norm. Whatever! So it's hard to pick out specifics of my weirdness, ;).

I do like to rinse things before use eg the kettle, a cup, cutlery. This often makes me feel gratitude for having clean running water supplies.

I like to take my time getting up and out, usually I get up at least an hour and a half before I have to leave the house or place I'm staying.

Recently I ve started picking up the cat on returning home and also on going downstairs in the morning. I didn't pick up the boy cats much at all, I wasn't sure it was respectful and they were huge too! I stroked them lots though. But the little cat seems to like contact and cuddles and being on laps. I'm avoiding saying "my" cats, but don't object if they want to say, "my" human...
When I'm eating I tap my fork on my food all the time, or kind of flick it back and forth between my fingers :)
When I'm eating I tap my fork on my food all the time, or kind of flick it back and forth between my fingers :)

Holy moly, I do the first one and people find it hilarious, but I don't know why! Have you had that experience?
Holy moly, I do the first one and people find it hilarious, but I don't know why! Have you had that experience?
I don't usually eat in front of other people, except my partner, and he is used to my mannerisms and quirks :) I try not to do it in front of other people when I'm in a restaurant for example, but it 'escapes' sometimes... nobody has ever said anything to me about it, though :)
When I'm angry or in a really bad mood, I start speaking fluent Liverpudlian, even though I've been to Liverpool about 3 times if that.

It comes from about 20 years of watching Brookside, a Liverpool based soap on Channel 4 which ran from 1984 to 2004.
I don't really pay to much attention to my habits but I would say the wierdest one I have is that I spit in the shower. Over and over again until I get out. It's a really gross habit I've never been able to shake.

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