You work hard and then you're burnt out in your free time. Quite common on the spectrum it seems.
Spend all day masking, focusing, getting stuff done. Free time you just need to wind down, hibernate, sleep. Do the bare minimum. Weekends you probably end up doing the same.
You used substances to help tide you over, or maybe to help your past times and free time feel a bit more enjoyable. You used it to take the edge off the stress, the worries and life itself.
But now you're sober. People claim sobriety helps. They paint a picture like you'll be less anxious or depressed.
I also entered sobriety with a salvation fantasy. The reality is, without a chemical mask - your anxiety and depression has no filter.
How does it improve? Not sure. Talk therapy has it's place. Lifestyle choices are all well and good, but after work fatigue and lack of free time, how do you integrate all these new things?
Sure, I'd love to eat healthy, sleep 8 hours a night, moderate my screen time, reduce social media use, not eat bad food all the time, socialise more, do this, that and the other.
Reality is I don't. I try things, but they tend to fall by the wayside. I can maintain a few bits of self-care or routines, but other stuff slips. Then I improve in other areas where I failed, and then others start to fail.
Can't consistently do everything. I was better at it when I wasn't working. Self care and life improved in some areas, but I still messed up bad in others.
It sucks.