Richard Dawkins wrote about ESS in his book the Selfish Gene. ESS stands for Evolutionary Stable Strategy. To put simply means our DNA will evolve the best way to survival. I feel aspergers separates me from the material and false realities of life. So if the world is a result now of the minds of the past which created views politics, attachments, religions and etc.Has our DNA created a ESS in those with Aspergers and Autism. By not having to experience severe emotion and attachment to the external world I neither join nor support any group, or point of view that I feel I need to stand by and fight for, not to mention having expectations for others to do so. So in theory could DNA find a way to change our neurology in aspergers and autistics to stear us in a more peaceful, live and let live future? This would be the effect from the cause of living in a world that does not seem so live and let live. So what I'm also saying here is that Aspergers And Autism is an amazing gift. I'm not looking to impose any opinion or viewpoints, this is my thoughts written down because I'm curious if anyone else thinks like this.