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anyone feeling this?


1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others
2 you hear voices and see things that are not there
3 your head fills up fast
4 you fail at doing basic things
5 you want to talk a lot but can only form some simple sentences
6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone
7 anxiety

I may have forgotten some. went for schizophrenia test got diagnosed with autism instead still don't know if I have schizophrenia or not
I can definitely relate to most of that list.

Welcome to the forum. I hope you can find some information and support here as you figure things out. There’s quite a few people here with comorbid conditions - autism and schizophrenia could be a pairing.

Either way, we are very friendly bunch and there are so many knowledgeable people here. I hope you can find a home among us.

1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others - well it depends on the conversation but it doesn't require much effort for me to be normal in conversations. It seems to require more effort for me to be normal when walking around in public.

2 you hear voices and see things that are not there - no, I don't have this.

3 your head fills up fast - my head is always full of thoughts, feelings, pictures, words, songs, memories.

4 you fail at doing basic things - not so much, but anxiety can make some things hard to bring myself to do.

5 you want to talk a lot but can only form some simple sentences - my vocabulary isn't very wide but I don't think I have what you're describing.

6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone - I get scared of saying something stupid or weird around people (social anxiety).

7 anxiety - I was a born worrier so that answers that lol.

1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others - well it depends on the conversation but it doesn't require much effort for me to be normal in conversations. It seems to require more effort for me to be normal when walking around in public.

2 you hear voices and see things that are not there - no, I don't have this.

3 your head fills up fast - my head is always full of thoughts, feelings, pictures, words, songs, memories.

4 you fail at doign basic things - not so much, but anxiety can make some things hard to bring myself to do.

5 you want to talk alot but can only form some simple sentences - my vocabulary isn't very wide but I don't think I have what you're describing.

6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone - I get scared of saying something stupid or weird around people (social anxiety).

7 anxiety - I was a born worrier so that answers that lol.
This pretty much describes my experiences also in response to the original post.
Number 3 is very definite.
Differences: Number 6. I don't have social anxiety or worry about how I come across.
Number 2 is an interesting statement as there is a line in autism tests I've taken that words it: I see things others don't.
That is difficult to interpret. I don't hear voices or see things that are not there.
But a different take on that could be I do notice/see things others don't because
I notice small things others don't pay attention to.
This seems to be prevalent in a lot of autists.
1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others
2 you hear voices and see things that are not there
3 your head fills up fast
4 you fail at doing basic things
5 you want to talk a lot but can only form some simple sentences
6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone
7 anxiety

i may have forgotten some. went for schizoprenia test got diagnosed with autism instead still dont know if i have schizoprenia or not
I've never been a good conversationalist...I do have my moments when I am really interested in what someone is saying, otherwise, I can't be bothered. I HATE small talk.
Voices? No...inner monologue, yes.
My brain is swirling in thought most of the time.
Basic tasks...my dexterity is a bit off...I get frustrated tying my shoes, otherwise I do fairly well with mundane tasks. I tend to fumble with objects and drop them if my full attention is not on holding them.
I do not like talking because it's very draining for me. I can hold a conversation (and then some) if it's something I want to talk about.
Not scared of doing something bad, more concerned about saying something stupid because of how I'm processing what they're saying. Years of masking helps me fade into the background and avoid lengthy conversations with anyone. It's exhausting for me which is why I would rather avoid it.
Anxiety...yes, a lot. Large groups of people, when surrounded by chaotic movement, too many people talking at once, extended car rides, etc.
1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others.

Most social interactions are a pure act on my part. When comparing my interactions with random people or people at work to conversations with my wife and parents there are huge differences. I force myself to look people in the eye as a simple example. While I will look around when talking to my wife and parents. They know that actually means I listen better.

2 you hear voices and see things that are not there

Not in the way I think you mean. It is not like I see someone standing somewhere when the space is empty. I do see problems that don`t really exist. And when they do they have little to no impact. Hearing voices is hard to answer. I do have dialogue with myself. But I don`t think that qualifies as hearing voices. I do often mistake sounds for people speaking. Especially when I`m at work.

3 your head fills up fast

When presented with new ideas I`m not prepared for. Or when people ask me to do multiple things at ones. Yes.

4 you fail at doing basic things

Socially, yes. But if we talk about thinks like cooking, doing house stuff. Doing simple tasks at work. Then no.

5 you want to talk a lot but can only form some simple sentences

My spoken sentences are far more simply then my written sentences. But my spoken sentences are not 'simple'. They are the same as other people with average intelligence. My written sentences (in Dutch) are on par with that of highly educated people's.

6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone

I`m TOO afraid to cause conflict when talking with someone. I try to avoid verbal conflict at high cost because I know I`m not good at defending myself verbally. This will cause me to often times not speak my mind even if I have a very valid point to make.

7 anxiety

Just yes. 6 out of 7 days a week. No explanation needed.
1 you try to be normal as possible in conversations or interactions with others
2 you hear voices and see things that are not there
3 your head fills up fast
4 you fail at doing basic things
5 you want to talk a lot but can only form some simple sentences
6 you get scared of doing something bad when ur talking with someone
7 anxiety

I may have forgotten some. went for schizophrenia test got diagnosed with autism instead still don't know if I have schizophrenia or not
1.I did try to be normal but not so much since I got diagnosed.
2.The only time I heard voices was when I took too much speed and got psychotic. Speed psychosis mimics schizophrenia. I believe that people who hear voices are a bit like mediums, but not in as much control as mediums.
3.My head is too full and scattered, and it feels overwhelming, I asked my CPN if I could be reconsidered for an ADHD assessment and ADHD medication as an ADHD nurse once thought I had it, but when invited to see the ADHD psychiatrist, I cancelled, kicking myself now, as there is a five year waiting list.
4.I do fail at basic things, to do with my home, but I have been told that, yeah, while I did those things, not to be so hard on myself and call myself a failure.
5.I want to talk a lot and get cut off or talked over.
6.I do get scared of doing something bad, not as in evil, as in wrong.
7.I get anxiety, I just found out from a letter I got from my CPN I have a GAD anxiety diagnosis, I didn't know about.

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