Intelligence in potential partner is strongest interest for me. If it fits well enough, I think it can be everything that's needed. After all personality is the thing with which people communicate and fall for. I hope everyone hoping for a relationship could find some ways to like whom they like. Sometimes attraction grows slow, as it can start from something really small detail. But it can grow deep. Best of luck with that for everyone.
If I tell my pitiful story it might help others think they can do pretty good. :> I am aromantic, I don't desire romantic activity. I'm not even interested in dating. I find it difficult to get to known to anyone because I think there aren't much variation between people and we're all basically the same. It gets boring after some time. I don't really find it nice to cook together, or watch a movie cuddling in awkward position and get neck cramps from it. I've lived in few relationships that have lasted few years each, but I don't quite recall anymore how they were, but I remember that I never felt they were worth it. I have little crushes, but I let them go by, because I don't want to create any more of them. I can't reason abstractions like love or even "more than good time together" for myself.
Example: Most of all I like having meaningful one to one discussions, but I can't stand it if the other isn't comfortable when loosing an argument. I'm not able to calm them down from that. I can't reach much out of myself. I'm quite caring, but I can be that as a friend or random person in a bus. Even that I completely understand that close people, like siblings and significant others, should be allowed to show their bad temper and vulnerable emotions to others and get forgiven, and that I sometimes think it's not nice to be completely alone all of the time, I can rationalize it's better this way. And I enjoy being by myself, it's much more easier than getting constantly disappointed in everything, myself and others, in possible relationship. Warm closeness would be a delight if everything didn't tickle unpleasantly all the time.