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Anyone here a non-ethical vegetarian?

I'm not a great meat lover, I never have been and I never should have been.
I don't eat a steak but I do eat fish. No meat but fish and eggs.
I never really understood why people say that meat tastes so good.
I never really understood people's love for Entrecôte.
Not quite sure what you mean exactly....I am completely plant based in my food (since 3 years) - primarily for health and environmental factors rather than animal welfare reasons. This is also why I dont consider myself vegan (though I use the term also). However, the ethical aspect relating to animal wefare has become increasingly important to me now also so that I wouldnt want to eat most animal products even without the health/environment implications.
I very much liked the taste of meat, fish, crustaceans and cheeses but when the time came I had no trouble giving it up and havent missed it significantly. (Not like giving up smoking - that took 4! tries before I managed).
@Myrtonos - why dont you like the one but do the other? coming at it from a purely utilitarian point of view, it doesnt matter what the motivation is as the end result is the same ... both are vegetarians
I grew up eating meat and enjoying it, without thought of the animals welfare.
Only in the last few years I went veggie.
I then went vegan.
I live and let live, I cannot force people to stop eating meat, they would only dig their heels in more.
Also, I wouldn't class myself as an ethical person, it's hard to be ethical. I have done unethical things and am still doing some. I wish I was strong enough to be fully ethical.
Bottom line, meat eaters? veggies? vegans? live and let live.
I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy the smell of a bacon sandwich, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the smell of a Sunday roast joint wafting out of a pub I walked past.
My personal choice is just to refrain from eating animal products.
I'm not a meat fan. I do eat some meat, but rarely, in small quantities and only certain kinds. I don't like the texture of meat - don't like the bits of fat, sinew and grisle. If I ever have meat, I meticulously cut these out. When I was a kid, my parents got exasperated with me, and told me that I should just eat it, but I couldn't eat it with all those fatty grisly bits in it.
Meat is just a side dish for me and I eat very little of it but I'm not ashamed of the fact I eat it. I was a vegetarian for years but eventually "fell off the wagon" when I started dating my husband. He is a physician who says some meat is essential for brain development in children and brain maintenance (whatever that is) in adults.

I remember how good I felt when my diet excluded all meats, but I feel good now, too. This is really weird but I like to eat sardines on toast instead of bacon or ham for breakfast. Go figure.....
I was vegan for about three years and a lacto-ovo vegetarian for about the same amount of time. I've been an omnivore for the last 20 or so. I rarely eat beef and when I do it's only 100% organic 100% grass fed. The Mad Cow scare in the U.S. quite a few years ago turned me off to eating conventional beef. That hasn't been difficult for me since I don't eat at/from fast food restaurants and haven't for about 15 years.
Naw, I’ll eat anything. Sea turtles are good, they come in a little “Microwavable bowl” in their shell. Snails and such, pretty much anything.
I grew up Vegetarian for most of my life due to culture/religion (Hinduism). I still maintain it for the most part because I simply don't like the taste and texture of most meats aside from chicken. Ethical reasons make total sense to me, but is not really the primary reasons for me.
When l saw this post title, l think of people running in grocery stores and stealing produce and vegan products therefore - illegal and unethical consumption.
I don't like red meat, I haven't eaten any cow meat for 27 yrs, and pork meat for 12 yrs (sausages, sliced ham, etc). I occasionally eat chicken (not a fan) and I do like seafood, although try not to eat too much of it for ethical/environmental reasons. My diet is mostly vegetarian, though.
I tried being a veggie in third grade, so I tend to prefer veggie items. I do love fish and red meat sometimes. I still eat chicken sometimes.
I'm not a meat fan. I do eat some meat, but rarely, in small quantities and only certain kinds. I don't like the texture of meat - don't like the bits of fat, sinew and grisle. If I ever have meat, I meticulously cut these out. When I was a kid, my parents got exasperated with me, and told me that I should just eat it, but I couldn't eat it with all those fatty grisly bits in it.
I used to have to cut the fat off bacon with scissors before putting it into the pan before making bacon butties.

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