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Anyone here, have trouble with balance?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I have to have a rail to hold on to, when going upstairs or down, otherwise, I feel that I am falling. So embarrassing.
I like holding onto rails, especially when going downstairs. But it all depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I do feel like my balance might be compromised, so I can go cautiously.

Normally however, I race up and down stair cases. I think my tendency to injure myself is because I'm always rushing about, and when I lose balance, it's often at speed and that sort of momentum is difficult to recover from, especially at 6'4" tall.

Fortunately not.

The stairs to the basement... which is where I usually am... do not have a railing. Or at least, the railing isnt there. No idea why but before the house was sold to us some doofus removed it. So, where is it?

It's wedged in the ceiling in the utility room (???) and it'd take a good bit of effort to get it back to where it needs to be, considering that the walls along the stairs are completely solid, there's no holes or whatever that it would attach into.

I have good balance but those stairs still bother me. And anyone who does have balance issues cant even get down here, which could prove problematic at some point.
I have had balance issues, but I think that was due to poor proprioception. Then I started canoeing and not only had to practice static balance, but also dynamic balance in fast water, like when one peels out of an eddy with a solid downstream lean. I used to have a small whitewater boat, a Mad River Flashback, that people called the ejector boat for what happened to people attempting to paddle it.
Nope. I make entries into my checkbook at the time of any purchase. Oh! That kind of balance? Well, as a senior citizen let's just say I'd hate to have to perform a spontaneous sobriety test. I seldom need to hang onto much of any staircase rails. Otherwise I manage ok I suppose. ;)
I've had balance problems when I had an ear infection or sinus issues which screws up my equilibrium.

Because I'm old, I've started practicing standing on one leg while I count to ten. Then I do it with the other leg. It builds core strength and improves balance. I don't recommend trying it while you're brushing your teeth, though.
i generally dont, but sometimes i get a bit wobbly walking through doorways for some reason. i think doing kung fu when i was younger helped me get better at physical things like balance.

edit: what i mean about doorways is that i'm generally fine balancing, but for some reason i tend to bump into doorways, or i'll start to lean to one side and lose my balance. i don't fall, but its strange since i'm generally pretty coordinated.
I can become off balance if I’ve been moving around quickly in such a short period of time. Mostly if I’ve been going around circles.
I always had superb balance and fine muscle control, but sometimes I get dizzy spells that can make things a little awkward. I don't feel as confident now I'm older though, much more cautious when riding the bike and I've also developed a fear of heights that I never used to have.
Going down, especially on trails, has always been a challenge for me. I can lose my footing easily.
I’ve noticed worsening proprioception and balance over the past few years. I’ve been exercising on a 12 ft diameter trampoline and that seems to help.

It didn’t occur to me that the canoeing would also help work on balance.

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