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Are there any people here who are Sliders?

Odd things do generally happen around me. I don't affect electricity specifically (as that would be electrokinesis and something more commonly seen in comic books), but rather that I have an unlucky thing where for instance laptops may be more laggy or have more issues if I'm in a room and it works fine for another person but not for me.

I'm also incredibly sensitive to high-pitched noises, especially coming from machines, which may give me headaches until I'm out of the room. Sometimes I feel a little better around machines with certain voltages though I have been extremely sensitive to atmospheric pressure for a while.
Well, it tends to run in families. I tend to set off smoke detectors, and shut off machines and stuff like that. Usually happens when I'm in a heightened emotional state.
Well, it tends to run in families. I tend to set off smoke detectors, and shut off machines and stuff like that. Usually happens when I'm in a heightened emotional state.
I've set off smoke detectors a few times, one just went on beeping randomly for over an hour. For me it can happen at anytime though, and no one else in my family's ever found anything like that happened to them but I find it interesting.
I've set off smoke detectors a few times, one just went on beeping randomly for over an hour. For me it can happen at anytime though, and no one else in my family's ever found anything like that happened to them but I find it interesting.

My brother and sister have this. My brother can hold a wire from an electric fence with no shock to him, but if someone touches him, they get shocked. My sons are sliders, but not my daughter.
Well, that seems on a grander scale.
Examples of our family go like this:
Smoke detector goes off and have to take the batteries out. Walking by a lamp and light blows out. Once I was at the ER in severe pain. They were trying to do an ultrasound on my gall bladder and a brand new machine stopped working. I mentally said it is ok you can work now and after a minute or two it started working again. I was at a restaurant to pick up an UberEats order to deliver. It was getting dark and I don't like driving when it is dark. The credit card machine stopped working, so I went outside the restaurant until it started working again. My boys would trip the circuit breakers in their rooms routinely. No other rooms in the house did this. Brand new house.
It happens randomly. I can't make it happen.
When I used to live in towns and around street lights, sometimes they would go out as I walked under them or approached them. Sometimes 3 or 4 in a row. I just chalked it up to coincidence. One weird thing is that in most devices, I can hear the electricity. I think this is just sound sensitivity though.
I think this is just sound sensitivity though.

This, I think, is one of the issues with stuff like this... it can be very hard to REALLY tell what's going on.

I mean, I can see a lot of people looking at this topic and thinking it's utterly ridiculous... certainly, more scientific types will definitely do so.

But, as I saw in a Youtube comment recently: "People think all that paranormal weird stuff is utter hogwash, until suddenly it happens to them".

Frankly, I'm not sure what to think of it all. On one hand I can see why people wouldnt believe in the subject of this topic. On the other hand, I've got my own bizarre stuff going on... me acting the part of the skeptic would be bloody stupid.

I dunno, this topic as a whole just made me ponder all that sort of thing. All very confusing. Yet still quite interesting to me.
"My brother can hold a wire from an electric fence with no shock to him, but if someone touches him, they get shocked."

My grandpa was like this, in fact it was his favorite joke to play on his grandchildren. There's a reason that I can identify for it though. As a child he contracted polio and to treat it he received shock treatment to halt the progress. It worked no matter how barbaric it sounds.
Huh, that electric thing is a bit odd. I wonder how/why that works.

Reminds me, I did have an odd incident with electricity awhile ago.

Friend of mine had this big TV (CRT), which is what we used for video games when I was over at his place. Well, the power button entirely came off, right. So, he got around this by jamming his finger in there and poking something, turning it on that way. He did this every time.

And then one day I'm waiting for him to do that, but he's distracted by some random shiny thing, so I figure "bah, I'll just do it myself, how hard can it be?"

It's hard to tell just what happened, really. I *definitely* touched the wrong thing in there. And as far as I could tell, I... sucked the power out of it? It was a strange moment. The TV was utterly dead after I did that. I felt *something* hit me when it happened, but I wasnt hurt or burned or whatever. Couldnt figure out WHY I wasnt hurt.

And then I'm like "Uhhh.... yeah, sorry, I think I just fried the TV" and he just looks at me with this "what the heck, dude" sort of expression.
When I used to live in towns and around street lights, sometimes they would go out as I walked under them or approached them. Sometimes 3 or 4 in a row. I just chalked it up to coincidence. One weird thing is that in most devices, I can hear the electricity. I think this is just sound sensitivity though.

I don't recall doing anything with street lights at all. That is something. Yes, I am sensitive to hearing electricity too. Made it hard for me to pay attention in school.

I have read that with watches jewelers would tell their customers to tape a penny on the back of their watches so they will work. So I think this is more common that we think.
I am sure there is a science behind this. I would love to know what that may be. I don't have any special things like that. But I believe people who say they do!
I think there is a science to it too. I've heard that in hospitals in cardiology, it happens alot. So Heart math is a thing.
It is where the person affects electrical items, blows light bulbs going out, etc.
I often pass a street lamp and it flickers or turns off. Probably it's just our town's old-fashioned system. I don't believe in things like that. Would have still happened with no one around.
It's nice to meet other Sliders! I have ruined countless watches, made street lights go out when I walk pass them, drained the batteries on appliances, etc. The worse is interfering with EKG machines where they won't do a reading until I "mentally" ground myself. Disc drives, computers are regularly interfered with. I found this book interesting: Anomalist Books | simply phenomenal | SLIders
You know, one time we rented a house and upon my son's and husband moved in the burger alarm went off. They shut off the breakers but still kept going off. Called the landlord and couldn't figure out what to do. They tried everything. So, they cut the wires. Then it stopped. It was my boy's that did it we believe.

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