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Are you better at relating to people much older or much younger than yourself?

Are you better at relating to people much older or younger than yourself, and not so good at relatin

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 78.9%
  • No

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I've always been better at having friends and getting along with people much older or younger than myself.

I'm not really sure why. I guess that there is a lot less pressure to conform, to behave in an age-appropriate manner, to be what your peers consider "normal".

Or maybe there is more to it than that?

Young kids seem to understand that I am not like "other adults", that I cannot get genuinely angry with them no matter how hard they try to wind me up, that I am one of the few adults who genuinely remembers what it was like to be a young child and who remembers pretty much exactly how I thought and how I saw the world. I remember as a young adult being at parties and the kids would constantly be tugging at my arms trying to get me to come and play with them. For the record, my least favourite kids' game is "dollies".

By the time I was in my early 40s and in a more senior role at work I was mentoring and distributing work to a bunch of very clever young adults, male and female, and found that I got along really well with them. That they seemed to look at me as a really cool and non-threatening guy.
I tend to relate to older people when i can relate to people but on tv and stuff usualy younger people i relate to i think.

BTW your poll options dont make sense.
BTW your poll options dont make sense.

Okay, I'll start a 2nd poll: "Do my poll options make sense".

The answers will be chosen from "1", "purple" and "unsure".

Seriously though, what I meant was "do you relate better to people who are NOT your own age". Yes or No pretty much covers it.

I'll agree that the reverse logic of it sucks, and after a couple of decades as a computer programmer and avoiding that kind of confusing logic you would think that I would know better. Apologies.
No. Probably not.
Adults don't take me seriously 'cause of my age and children don't want to talk to me because when you're a kid your judgement of a person's character is basically completely superficial and I cba putting make-up on and **** so 7 year olds will like me(which, relative to my age, is 'younger people').
I try to get on with my cousins but they prefer to play with my sister and I've always attributed that to the fact that she's attractive because my sister barely plays with the cousins and I actually try(well, not anymore, but yeah).
I know that sounds like a pretty juvenile thing to say but it's something like that :P.
People who are around my sister's age(year 7) follow me home and talk to me though so idk. Maybe they're less vain xD. I wouldn't say we were friends though. My friend Fay says they're my fan club :D. Roflmao.
Okay, I'll start a 2nd poll: "Do my poll options make sense".

The answers will be chosen from "1", "purple" and "unsure".

Seriously though, what I meant was "do you relate better to people who are NOT your own age". Yes or No pretty much covers it.

I'll agree that the reverse logic of it sucks, and after a couple of decades as a computer programmer and avoiding that kind of confusing logic you would think that I would know better. Apologies.

ah okay. I was reading too much into the first part. Guess you didnt mean to turn it into a 2 part question.

I thought since there was 2 questions (was looking at mainly first question) there would be a younger or older options.


I dont entirely know what peers means. But well I dont have friends to relate to and i have 1 sister who is a ***** so i dont relate to her and i dont relate to my family. There not many people I know or could relate to anyway so I will put no, even though could be a dont know lol.

Or im still confused by the whole question and everything.
im **** at getting on with people my age, im good with dealing with young children and generally get along better with people a lot older than me, i actually managed to have a 20minute conversation with the driving instructor person, considering i can barely say hello to people my age i was quite happy with that
I feel most comfortable with anyone, but it would normally take the minimum of half an hour to get used to a person.

But the age difference, sometimes doesn't really matter to me.
I get better along with older people but I do well with people at my age as well. More well with older people tho. I don`t like to socialize with younger people. Especially children. I`m have to admit that I`m a bit age racist; You can`t talk with kids about something interesting or depth and philosophical. Kids are not usually smart either.
I think I get along better with people who are a bit younger/older than me.  There are some people my age who I'm friends with but half the time I just don't understand them. 
I get on with people younger than me. Or older adults.
I have good conversations with teachers at college and when I was at school. I'm usually one of the last out of the class in lessons (I'm super slow lol) so I usually end up chatting with the teacher before I go.
Most of my close friends are younger than me and/or boys, I am more at the emotional level of a younger boy so I get on better with them. My youngest friend is a year 9 and I get on really well with him.
I always get along better with people younger than me. When I was in the air cadets, I would stand and chat with the 13/14 year olds. It turned out that they thought I was their age despite being 17. My closest friend is a year and a half younger than me, and I get along with his friends who are 1 or 2 years younger than he is. I also get along with his brother who is 13.

As a swimming teacher, I can communicate really well with the younger kids, especially as I remember being that age and learning to swim in that same pool. I often end up getting involved in conversations between 10 year olds in the changing room. They seem to have far more civilized conversations than people of my own age group!

I also enjoy having conversations with people older than me. I did this more when I was younger. I suppose I was less conscious of the fact that I ramble on too much.
i get on best with people older then me. teenagers tbh leave me clueless and uncomfortable, of any age.
Same here... But then some of them of today seems to be killing each other and everything, its just simply bizarre.
I get clueless about why they even do it, this was just last week at Brixton. (or was it an accident that happened?)
Give it about 10 or 15 years and you will get along great with teenagers, and understand them a lot better than other people your age. Of course, by then you will struggle to get along with other young adults, but give that another 10 or 15 years and.....
Give it about 10 or 15 years and you will get along great with teenagers, and understand them a lot better than other people your age. Of course, by then you will struggle to get along with other young adults, but give that another 10 or 15 years and.....

^^ Something I'll just have to accept!

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