I'm not enjoying the heat (or summers in general) at all. Over here, hot summers can easily be 35+ celcius (95F). Add in the rather humid climate it gets icky pretty fast. I don't sweat as much if I'm not doing a lot and probably depending on where in the house I am it might vary a bit. I just notice that if I'm on my computer my forearms will get all sticky to the desk... and that is pretty annoying regardless on what you're doing. More on that in a sec. I don't get a rash as such but I get a bit itchy... perhaps it is a rash just not as prevalent and just under the surface.
However, I have a few ways I deal with it to make it more bearable, so overall I guess I shouldn't complain that much. Afterall I could've been worse. What I do hate about it, is that my bedroom is at the backside of the house... and the backside is at the east. So from sunrise till about noon the sun will be baking the outer wall.
- For me, warm days means I have to manage my time properly. I'll go to the store when temperatures are lowest and after that I won't leave the house for the next 18 or so hours. I don't like being out in the sun anyway, so I guess that's totally fine with me. It's not worth it to get a sunburn either. That's why I've managed to stay (relatively) pasty white for the past few decades, lol.
- Obviously I'm wearing the least amount of clothing, though I'm not that interested in parading naked through the house, lol. So it's often a tanktop and some shorts.
- I leave my room dark from sunrise till sundown and at night I'll open the doors to create a draft to get some heat out.
- And what I've found important is to not turn on too many electrical devices. My computer is producing a lot of heat already. If I were to turn on my xbox and (plasma) television I know I'll add to the heat. Not to mention lights and more of that nature. I'll refrain from playing games on my computer for most part as well during the day since that will put more strain on the system adding to the heat.
Luckily I don't have as much issues with heat when I'm sleeping and can sleep through this kind of weather. Yes I'll eventually float out of bed because I'm sweating profusely. Even more since I need some weight of a blanket to even be able to sleep. So I often sleep during the day for most part and wake through the night. Considering it's already 11-ish am here, and I just got up, I already beat the first few hours or blistering heat and it's almost noon so the sun won't be on my outer wall as much anymore.
I know I'm not inviting my girlfriend over with this weather. Well, I don't think she'd be interested in travelling by train for 3 hours in this weather anyway. But the arguing as well as sleeping terrible because of all the twisting and turning because of the weather just seems a bit of a waste to have a good time.
My main issue with this heat is that I have a problem with sitting still. I always feel I have stuff to do. Might not always be important stuff, but I could probably spend my time a bit more effective rather than trying to do the least amount possible.
Afterall; painting in the dark doesn't work, lol. Going through my backlog of games spikes up temperature of my computer (or requires my xbox and tv to be on) and any chores in the house seem less than appealing with these temperatures.
Give me a mild winter any time. Some snow every once in a while... and I'm good to go. Somewhere between -5 and +10 (celcius; -20 to -12F) seems to be the weather I prefer. And that's where I'm often already out in shorts.