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Art show reception (my art show reception)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

Today, this evening, is the reception for my photo show... Three hours of mingling in a cafe setting, having to do lots of small talk with people...

I'm looking forward to it, sent out the invites, in a sense I'm not looking forward to it... Being a typical autistic HFA-1 who really hates crowd mingling, in particular for that long :eek:

Whenever I have been in other situations like that (I mean crowd mingling), I have been free to leave the venue and head home as my escape route... I don't have that escape route this time...

Rather suddenly woke up far too early this morning, after only five hours, and can't seem to fall asleep again

I'm sure I will probably be okay tonight, I mean socially, but in the back of my mind I have slight doubts still
Mingle mingle, senseless chatter, exit stage left.

Sometimes driving into my garage gives me such a sensation of relief, no endless pointless mindless people chatter.

Hey- good luck.
Are you going to be selling your art? Or taking orders for prints? If so, I hope you make a lot of money. Just be yourself. You're a totally cool person in my opinion and it is revealed in your photos.
Are you going to be selling your art? Or taking orders for prints? If so, I hope you make a lot of money. Just be yourself. You're a totally cool person in my opinion and it is revealed in your photos.

The prints are for sale, but I'm not really "taking orders"... I have already sold four of the nine prints so there isn't enormous pressure on that end... There is one week left, perhaps this reception will create more sales, hopefully...
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I'm sure I will probably be okay tonight, I mean socially, but in the back of my mind I have slight doubts still

I know what you mean. Like when I'd come home after what I considered a positive social engagement, yet still end up with a terrible tension headache afterwards. Just another day in the life of one on the spectrum....:oops:
I know what you mean. Like when I'd come home after what I considered a positive social engagement, yet still end up with a terrible tension headache afterwards. Just another day in the life of one on the spectrum....:oops:

I use to mask or deny l don't need down time. I do need down time from social stuffs.
I use to mask or deny l don't need down time. I do need down time from social stuffs.

Would if I could!

But in my own case when my socialization batteries get so worn down with such a headache, I just can't hide it. As if I was something akin to "Darkman" or "Cinderella". Where it's best to leave before the clock strikes midnight or else...when I just socially "run out of gas". :oops:

I guess what makes me sad about this is that even when I'm enjoying myself and in control it still happens eventually. When my social energy level is so depleted I MUST withdraw.
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I do hope you have a great and successful time. Just think that you are the expert at your work and appreciate the interest people are taking in it. I was most confident at seminars and conferences when I knew my stuff, cold, and that went a long way when I would mingle. Being able to express myself technically energized me.
LOL! I'd be considering Valium.

Consider the mingling to be a dramatic event and you're an actor. Pick out a character type and act the part. It has worked for me in the past. If you can make the shift from masking to acting, it is much less stressful. There are a lot of autistic actors.
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I survived... Several of my friends came, not all of them but that is to be expected, Life 101

I did sell two or three pieces to friends of mine, I think that's often the people who buy art anyway...

At one point I felt like a bouncing ball between different conversations, trying to focus a little more on people I haven't seen in over two years (re: pandemic), along with people I still see on a regular basis...
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