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As a child, would wish ones who irritated me to just die and leave me alone


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I have not had that feeling for many years now, but suddenly, it has come back, because a couple I know, who I have done my best to be friendly with, just give me the cold shoulder and today, I found out what it truly means, thanks to a lovely lady, I study the Bible with, who is really in tune with my way of thinking. She said: it sounds like you are feeling stressed and that is how it comes out.

I actually had the thought: thank goodness they are old; because it means they will die sooner than later. I felt disgusted with myself for this thought.

I guess another translation would be: I never want to see you again, because you destroy my sense of worth.
Oh yeah. I feel like that all the time. If my impulses somehow were manifested into reality the population of the human race would be about cut in half.

But it's all emotional impulse and something I somewhat ascribe to the mediterrean side of my genes. Southern Italian, Sicilian, North African and Arab... excitable you know. Then toss in a bunch of Irish and it's basically the genetic version of nitro-glycerine.

But it's all impulse, not actuality. At heart I am a peaceful autist. Sorta.

When I was a child I may have wished adults who were mean and/or unfair dead. Mostly I had the desire to get back at them. Usually (and realistically) I never had a chance to.

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