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ASD all d

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What would happen if all the people diagnosed with ASD got together?.

My question/point is, out of all the people diagnosed with ASD how would some be different?.
What would happen?.

To look at it from every side and all angles, may you please give your comment?.

It would be a gathering of aspies... or a flock of aspies, or a murder of aspies, or a squad of aspies...

all joking aside; ASD doesn't manifest in the same way for everyone. Granted, there will be an overall median that's pretty prevalent, and those seem like the basic diagnostics used in the DSM books for diagnosis by professionals.

What do you expect to happen? I don't think anything would happen aside from the fact that you'll get a group of people that defines the norm differently than they do scattered throughout society among NT folks.
We would probably do as we normally do. Some of us would start chatting in a small group, and a good number of people would probably choose to be alone.
It would be a gathering of aspies... or a flock of aspies, or a murder of aspies, or a squad of aspies...

all joking aside; ASD doesn't manifest in the same way for everyone. Granted, there will be an overall median that's pretty prevalent, and those seem like the basic diagnostics used in the DSM books for diagnosis by professionals.

What do you expect to happen? I don't think anything would happen aside from the fact that you'll get a group of people that defines the norm differently than they do scattered throughout society among NT folks.
Well if all the people diagnosed with ASD that all spoke the same language came together on a Island for example, what would happen? ....

And this Island is empty,no laws except of course moral law, How would the people dianoised with ASD build that Island?...

Would some of them try to become a "leader" and make all laws and politics,control,etc ???
Would they all work together?...

What would happen?...
But what language would that be? ;)

Plenty of people on the spectrum that don't speak English... and with that, I guess it's hard to say, since the language you speak, often is culturally defined and thus the way you perceive other people and how social dynamics work, does play a part in that.

Also; no laws, except moral law. Who defines this moral law? You? Me? Morality goes a long way and even with people who speak the same language.

And then there's the assumption that we would do anything. I'm surely not going to take a dump on the ASD community (since I'm part of it), but assuming that it will be built, because that's what we should do doesn't go over that well. Yes, we will have people who will try to lead a group, and some might very well be put off by this idea that there's a leader and that there are laws at all. While some might rather have more laws and safety. I think as with any group, you will have conflict, just not all groups will have the same violent conflict.But it would totally depend on the type of people you actually have together. And ASD actually is not the type I'm looking for. Think more along the lines of personality types or even more basic "alpha" and "beta' people.
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