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I think my specific combination of traits, combined with my upbringing, makes me especially adept at identifying and dealing with narcissists.
Thoughts please. Thanks.
I know there are true Narcissists, but also feel it has become something of one of the 'flavors of the month' as well, with many labeled such who really aren't. I think I have seen the same with other labels as they come into vogue, like Gaslighting, Sociopath, Alpha, etc. Pop Psychology basically.

So when I hear the term, unless it's from a trained professional I am not going to assume it is true. But that's just my opinion, and I am very sceptical by nature.
I know there are true Narcissists, but also feel it has become something of one of the 'flavors of the month' as well, with many labeled such who really aren't. I think I have seen the same with other labels as they come into vogue, like Gaslighting, Sociopath, Alpha, etc. Pop Psychology basically.

So when I hear the term, unless it's from a trained professional I am not going to assume it is true. But that's just my opinion, and I am very sceptical by nature.
I agree with you, I've "joked" before that it's the new nazi.

I have had direct dealings in my personal life with at least 3 narcs. The treatment of people close to me has been horrific.

I've read a fair bit on both narcissism and sociopathy (Martha Stout's work is recommended). I could flush a narc out no problem. Sociopath is a different matter.
I agree with you, I've "joked" before that it's the new nazi.

I have had direct dealings in my personal life with at least 3 narcs. The treatment of people close to me has been horrific.

I've read a fair bit on both narcissism and sociopathy (Martha Stout's work is recommended). I could flush a narc out no problem. Sociopath is a different matter.

The Medium article at the bottom is a good start. A lot of this advice can be applied more generally, not just for someone you are dating. And remember friends, even old trusted ones can be narcissists. Do NOT allow your strong bond with them, your strong sense of loyalty, override your rational side; emotions can and will be manipulated by them. If you hear of something really bad they have done, expect them to downplay it and try to brush it away, get corroboration from others if possible. They are master manipulators and stop at nothing to get something they desire.

In my experience:
narcissists often target "progressive" groups and worthy causes. They know that people interested in such things can be more easily manipulated. 2 of the ones I know were in a left wing party, for example.

Drama is something narcs thrive on. They love trouble, high emotion, arguments etc. They are often easily bored and crave excitement, often engaging in petty criminality, dangerous physical acts etc.

If you are feeling like you are compromising your principles, in order to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt, trust your morals!

Watch out for how often they help others, or not! The world really does revolve around them!!!

Co-morbitities are very common with narcs, anxiety, depression etc.

Anger outbursts when they feel they've lost face or have been slighted in any way. Rage, over what appears to be trivial to you, is a red flag. They despise being mocked or disrespected.

Lack of empathy, kindness for others or even animals. Listen for them viciously putting down others, especially those who you feel are good people.

8 Early Red Flags You’re Dating a Covert Narcissist
I agree with you, I've "joked" before that it's the new nazi.

I have had direct dealings in my personal life with at least 3 narcs. The treatment of people close to me has been horrific.

I've read a fair bit on both narcissism and sociopathy (Martha Stout's work is recommended). I could flush a narc out no problem. Sociopath is a different matter.
When I saw "narc" I immediately thought of someone who ratted other people out for using drugs.

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