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Aspergers and amphetamines


just kidding;) I used to take them, I started out on a stimulating tri-cyclic called norpramin, then that lost its effectiveness after about two years, then went to concerta which felt like somebody turned on an arc light inside my frontal lobes but it also made me cross, so I had to quit that after a short bit and then I tried Strattera which was very good! it came on in a low-key manner, after about a week it was like I awoke one morning and felt subjectively "normal" for the first time in my life, I could think straight for once! granted I am comorbid ADHD inattentive subtype so I can't say how it would work for somebody who was AS but with no ADHD also, but it enabled me to keep my emotions in check, not get easily frustrated and confused over everyday things, made me feel hopeful. alas, all good things must come to an end, my insurance stopped covering it and it costs $20 per capsule so there was no way I could afford it, so I had to drop it, this was 10 years ago and I've made do since then, imperfectly.

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