Hi everyone,
Sorry for the lack of info..I hope this helps in explaining a bit more about what the research is about:
I am keen to research and publish a paper on the experiences of people with Asperger's as they travelled through education. There is not much research out there that listens to the voice of people with Apserger's themselves. This is a mistake and my aim is to highlight (through themes that come up from your responses) areas of the current school system that are troublesome, any that are good, and highlight areas that need to change. I am also keen to explore whether you felt identification in childhood would have been beneficial to your experience at school and for those of you who were identified as a child (if any?) your experiences of education as a result.
The SEN system, introduced in 1981, I argue is not specific enough to needs and there seems very little provision for (or understanding of) children with more 'hidden' differences such as Aspergers , ADHD etc. I am therefore particularly interested in those of you who went to school after 1981.
In short the aim of the research is to look at
-the impact of having Asperger's at school and in adult life
-whether the current SEN approach of support and identification is working for Aspies
What would it involve?
The research will be carried out though the University of Nottingham, as part of my Master's program, and will have full ethical approval.
The research would involve a Skype interview with myself (lasting approx. 45 min. I would send you a copy of the questions in advance, including an information sheet and a consent form. You would be free to pull out at any time (no obligations) and your contribution will remain anonymous.The interview would be 'semi-structured', meaning that there is room for you to add personal views and opinions about additional areas that the questions may not cover.
Why research?
Research helps to inform practice - at least eventually. Research also potentially inspires other and more large scale research . It is therefore a potential force for change. I feel that this is a valuable project to be a part of, in that it aims to listen to the voice and experiences of people who have travelled education before, in the hope that we can make things better for children who will in the future.
Any questions just ask on this forum or email me at
[email protected]