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Aspergers and epilipsy


Well-Known Member
Long time since i posted, took a slight hiatus because of depression and such but back and ready for discussion.

So recently i have come to learn i most likely have myclonic epilepsy. i have had twitches ever since i was a child and i just shook them off as just something that happens, it wasnt until the last 2 weeks that i learned that this is more likely Epilepsy. My twitches being myoclonic jerks, but what i wasnt noticing as much were the absence seizures that were going along with it, i was able to confirm this happening by taking an Anticonvulsant and seeing that while it kept my twitches from happening, i was still getting absence seizures. i currently have an appointment set for next month to know for sure but until then i am just trying to not freak myself out, and be thankful that i have not yet had a grand mal seizure

The reason i bring it up here is that in my research about Epilepsy i came across a very interesting fact. it appears that 1/3 of people with Autisim disorders have epilepsy. i was wondering what others experience with epilepsy are. things that helped them, things that they noticed, etc
I was diagnosed with temporal-lobe epilepsy in 1994, but didn't know I had Asperger's until 2013. I'd never even heard of it until 2011 or so.

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