I am new to the site. I am a therapist who works with a lot of adults with Aspergers, and I have diagnosed people in a lot of different decades of life, from childhood through the 50s. I was fortunate to receive a lot of training in developmental and medical issues. This has been one of my specialties, and I seem to "get" people with Aspergers. My primary reason for posting is to ask for input on whether people on the spectrum have experienced problems with certain kinds of memory. I have worked with a person with AS who really seems to understand what I am saying in the session, about thoughts and behaviors and how they may or may not be ineffective, and input that I might give about their relationships out in the world, and how problems might be solved. Then the person comes into the session the next week, and it is sort of like we are starting from ground zero, like the person has retained their dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors, and the same things need to be said. Once again, at the time, the person seems to really understand and agree with what needs to be done. Some of the thoughts are negative obsessions about how the world is, and even have a flavor of paranoia, about certain things that people are thinking about him/her. It is hard to express what I'm observing, so I hope that I am making sense. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Sort of like it's Groundhog Day when it comes to an Aspie taking things on board, memory-wise, that have to do with making thought and behavioral changes, even when they seem to WANT to make the changes?