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Aspergers Cats

Pics are of a great kitty:

- she used to be my cat. She has a good new life now and had adjusted.
My first cat was black. I was only three when I got her.
My life time favourite was a black cat. Petey.
His numerology was wild. I was 16 when I found him as a kitten in the woods 3 weeks after my birthday.
He lived 16 years. His departure date was 11- 11- at 11:11 pm.

@AspieOtaku That video warmed my heart! Thank you.
I love cats and I can see how the traits portrayed in the video fit.
I love Enya music too!
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My younger cat wants constant attention. He walks all over my keyboard, starts begging for food whenever I'm eating something, including stuff that really isn't good for cats like Pringles or Pop-Tarts, and he follows me wherever I go. He's almost like a dog.:smileycat:

My older cat is affectionate but more reserved and independent. She doesn't jump onto my desk, walk all over my keyboard or bother me while I eat. Although she often keeps meowing for me to open a drawer in the filing cabinet so she can crawl inside it and use it for a bed. But then she'll start clawing at the drawings I've got stored in there.:poutingcat:

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