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Asperger's- I feel like if I was diagnosed in childhood I wouldn't be in Mental health services but female's are often misdiagnosed and undiagnosed.

I do feel relief and happy about my Asperger's diagnosis but i feel depressed because it just could've been a different story I believe if I got diagnosed in childhood.

I was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis and personality disorders.

I do have anxiety and depression as a female with Asperger's.

Anyone relate?

By the way I'm sorry I been posting so much it's just I finally found a great friendly autism forum!!. "Reddit" Asperger's forum was crap tbh always people arguing with each other on Reddit.
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I'm not female but I understand this. I feel this way on occasion too. Especially since my Dad did originally send me to a children's hospital to get diagnosed. Only for it to go a completely different direction because I started having seizures during sleep.

But dwelling on what could of been never resolves anything. We are more knowledgeable now than before. And that on it's own is something to be happy about.

The only way now is forward. Focus on finding happiness and a place in the world that works for you. A journey is about the things you find and learn along the way. And a wonderful journey it is~
I do feel relief and happy about my Asperger's diagnosis but i feel depressed because it just could've been a different story I believe if I got diagnosed in childhood.
There's not much point in wishing the past was different, you'll only make yourself miserable and it achieves nothing.

Being diagnosed at an early age seems to be a bit of a two edged sword, in some ways better and in some ways not so much. For people that really struggle the extra assistance at an early age really helps, for those of us more high functioning it seems we're better off not finding out until later. Not knowing and struggling to fit in is like a form of forced behavioural therapy.

You're still only very young, plenty of time to make use of what you're learning.
I think yours is not a uncommon experience. I have read quite a few people talk about similar experiences. My brother-in-law went thru a similar evolution of diagnosis. I didn't myself but experienced just a tiny bit of the frustration you must of had, studying up (and using) techniques on how to relate to people with schizophrenia only to find years later that was incorrect.

I believe the psychological sciences aren't really quite done in the oven yet. And the practitioners even less reliable.

A person once did an experiment and asked 60 Psychologists to retro diagnosis Vincent Van Gogh. I forget the exact number but the result was something like 45 different diagnoses.
I hear ya. Diagnosed late in life I've wondered about what may have been. I probably could have used social coaching and think that so much of my energies were tied up with my social dysfunction that it impacted my educarion and abilities. Consequently, I did not know how to act effectively to get things done and it took my living independently to finally gain my own agency.
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I do feel relief and happy about my Asperger's diagnosis but i feel depressed because it just could've been a different story I believe if I got diagnosed in childhood.

I was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis and personality disorders.

I do have anxiety and depression as a female with Asperger's.

Anyone relate?

By the way I'm sorry I been posting so much it's just I finally found a great friendly autism forum!!. "Reddit" Asperger's forum was crap tbh always people arguing with each other on Reddit.
Hi, thanks for posting. I'm in my 50s and wasn't diagnosed until my 40s after years of being told I had random mental health issues ididn't relate to. Sadly I think it's all too common especially for females because we go under
I do feel relief and happy about my Asperger's diagnosis but i feel depressed because it just could've been a different story I believe if I got diagnosed in childhood.

I was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis and personality disorders.

I do have anxiety and depression as a female with Asperger's.

Anyone relate?

By the way I'm sorry I been posting so much it's just I finally found a great friendly autism forum!!. "Reddit" Asperger's forum was crap tbh always people arguing with each other on Reddit.
I can relate. Thx.
I was misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis and personality disorders.

I do have anxiety and depression as a female with Asperger's.

Anyone relate?
Yes my step daughter had a diagnosis of BPD, cPTSD, bi polar before she got a diagnosis as autistic.

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