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Asperger's tick disorder ?


All your bases are belong to us
Does this ever happen to you ? This is the only video that has an Aspie who actually does the ticks on the video and it's hard for me to explain what the ticks are like :/ I do the same thing at times, especially when sleep deprived ... I think I did this a lot when I was seven or eight and it used to make my mom's boyfriend at the time pissed off because he though that I was rolling my eyes at him ... I'm not going to lie but I admit that I wasn't an easy child to handle back then and I can be a handful at times for my Dad and his girlfriend. I'm twenty six and still at childish at times :(

Yes...at least as a child I did. It's called visual stimming; if you look that up on YouTube, you'll find many more examples.
I saw this and was like oh my gosh that's exactly what I do. I can't remember when it started. I just know I do it when I'm out in really crowded places. Even if I am just looking through my phone to make time pass in a waiting room or something, I can feel myself doing it. Then I start to wonder if the people around me can see it and what they think.
Yes...at least as a child I did. It's called visual stimming; if you look that up on YouTube, you'll find many more examples.

I saw this and was like oh my gosh that's exactly what I do. I can't remember when it started. I just know I do it when I'm out in really crowded places. Even if I am just looking through my phone to make time pass in a waiting room or something, I can feel myself doing it. Then I start to wonder if the people around me can see it and what they think.

It's weird how I'll still do that tick thing, especially being sleep deprived and when I'm in my own head. I do that as well when I'm nervous are in a crowd of people as well :|
It's weird how I'll still do that tick thing, especially being sleep deprived and when I'm in my own head. I do that as well when I'm nervous are in a crowd of people as well :|

Yeah I know what you mean about being in your own head. Sometimes when I do it, I also tap my teeth along to whatever beats/syllables are in my head
Yeah I know what you mean about being in your own head. Sometimes when I do it, I also tap my teeth along to whatever beats/syllables are in my head

I though I was the only one who'd tap my teeth along with something in my head lol I could go on all day doing that as well as tapping my fingers or hands along with whatever's playing in my head or headphones. I've been doing this since the age of eight. I guess I always wanted to be a drummer ...

I wonder if stimming and these ticks are related somehow.
I though I was the only one who'd tap my teeth along with something in my head lol I could go on all day doing that as well as tapping my fingers or hands along with whatever's playing in my head or headphones. I've been doing this since the age of eight. I guess I always wanted to be a drummer ...

I wonder if stimming and these ticks are related somehow.

I can only assume that they are indeed related. And it's so funny that you mention drumming! I just posted a thread to see if there were any other drummers here. I got my first drum set almost a year ago. I felt like I just NEEEEDED to learn how to play. It is probably the greatest thing ever. I definitely recommend it.

I don't tap my teeth, but rather grind them to sounds, syllables, tunes, etc. Once I was doing it so loud that it echoed in the hall at work and I didn't realize it was me at first. I made a video a couple weeks ago of my Crown Vic and didn't realize I was grinding until I played the video back. Talk about an odd sound.

Okay "grinding" is probably a better word to use than tapping. But I don't make a noise when I grind them, as I do it softly so that my back teeth are like barely touching. It is probably the thing I do the most.I can't believe alot of us grind and tap our teeth but like each in our own unique way. Talk about Aspie!
I can only assume that they are indeed related. And it's so funny that you mention drumming! I just posted a thread to see if there were any other drummers here. I got my first drum set almost a year ago. I felt like I just NEEEEDED to learn how to play. It is probably the greatest thing ever. I definitely recommend it.

There was a time in the eleventh grade when me and a friend had a whole hour in the band room to do nothing but jam and play songs because we had a garage band called "The Ramblers". It was just me and him and I was on drums while he played the guitar.

We'd played in front of the whole school before and I remember being called a mono toned drummer because I guess I didn't really have the hang of drumming yet and plus too we played a lot of old country songs. So the band teacher took some time to explain things about rhythm and beats and notes and etc. Looking back, I never realized how idiotic I looked :/ I'm more focused on the piano and can't wait till we could afford an electric drum set, so that I could practice getting used to using kicks and experiment around with rhythms and beats :)

I'm a decent piano player but need to do something about my possible carpal tunnel syndrome because my pinky finger on my right hand is sticking out kind of funny. It sticks away from my hand and points outward :|

Okay "grinding" is probably a better word to use than tapping. But I don't make a noise when I grind them, as I do it softly so that my back teeth are like barely touching. It is probably the thing I do the most.I can't believe alot of us grind and tap our teeth but like each in our own unique way. Talk about Aspie!

I can't believe I still grind my teeth together to the beats that are stuck in my head, the same beats and songs that seems to never leave. I seem to also click my tongue on the roof of my mouth ... I always thought of Asperger's as something like a mindset that all Aspies have in common, but we are still individuals and unique in our own ways.

Did you ever have a problem with ear aches due to grinding your teeth together ? I still get those every once in a while.
I rock backwards and forwards from the waist up when I am in physical pain or highly stressed. I also fiddle with things all the time (Yes, yes I know...). My hands are never still. If a pen is in my hands it will be constantly turned and twirled for instance.
I still do that now and I never knew what it was and all three my kids do it especially my son with low functioning autism.
Rather than start another thread on stimming I thought I would look for one that has already been started. I try to look for threads first because I don't like to start threads that speak of the same subjects. But, anyhow, I hope you enjoy this about stimming and don't forget to read my comment underneath video. Click on the title of my video at the top to take you to You Tube for my comments.

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Did you ever have a problem with ear aches due to grinding your teeth together ? I still get those every once in a while.

I suffer headaches from the eye rolling, ear aches from teeth grinding repetitive strain from tapping, but I have a strong back from rocking, I can row a boat for hours, lol.
I put a lot of effort into not stimming in public, but when I'm anxious, obviously the tics are harder to stop.

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