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Aspergers was my Occam's razor


Well-Known Member
Hello there this is my First offical Post outside of introductions and in many ways in a continuation of it.
i apologize in advance if this isnt the right place for this tread, if i say anything that others may find offensive or if this has been discussed to death before and for my for sure misspellings

While i am self diagnosed i found that aspergers was a little to hard to deny with over wealming evidence
when looking at my issues on paper and doing research i found that aspergers tends to present in many many different ways. even more oddly was some of these things seem to go against each other which leads me to think that the more minor details of how it can present are not just specific things always but can be both extremes of something depending on the person.

i made this thread so others and i can ask and discuss these things that we feel may or may not be Autisim and Aspergers related apart from the standard and basic presentation

for me an aspergers self diagnosis just became too much to deny. along with social issues that were presenting as a child all these other little details while researching started to fill in. such as having always had temper tantrums and crying, or having not made a friend at school until my late teens.

While also looking in my research i learned that being diagnosed as an adult can be different with different signs since the child can learn some amount of how to function in a way that helps it seem a little less visible but still can cause many issues in a persons life.

for me i would love to start off with these little details i either found or suspect may be Aspergers related. while i understand that its kinda stupid in some way to define who i am by a condition, but i personally feel understanding where my issues/pitfalls and such is very important and to help me explain my self and such to my family who i have always had a semi weird relationship with.

First to start off as you may have noticed i tend to over explain myself in some situations.

some things i am less sure if are aspergers related.

-is it normal for someone with adult aspergers to not cry? for me as a child i cried every day but since i was around 12 i have not been able to cry, not once.

-Do others ever get the feeling of racing thoughts but you are not thinking of anything like a very very stressed out version of your mind drawing a blank? and is this related to autism related conditions?

How severe can sensory issues be for someone with aspergers? and what are your issues with them? for me they tend to be more fabric and weight related like not being able to wear shorts, always wear hoodies and not being able to sleep under sheets.

is severe isolation from people you care about normal? such as if a person with aspergers who doesnt live at home finds themselves constantly inable to talk to people either because of anxiety or something. usually some conflict or confrontation related. this can last for a few days to even a few months to even one time a year

what are common diagnosis that come with aspergers or autisim conditions. and what are ones that these conditions are commonly misdiagnosed as. (such a ADD)

is paranoia and reading into what people mean common?

is it unheard of for a parent to deny an aspergers diagnosis in favor of an ADD diagnosis for their child? (what i think may have happened to me) and does not having traditional social development but still wanting to have friends(something i learned is common with aspergers) make a misdiagnosis more common?

I would love to hear what others have to say about these things and i would love to hear others questions and such about things they may suspect are related to their condition.
First to start off as you may have noticed i tend to over explain myself in some situations.

When I am nervous and need to explain something (like a task at work to my bosses), I tend to keep talking till they tell me to stop. I don't get the "signal" that it's enough information so I just keep going.

-is it normal for someone with adult aspergers to not cry? for me as a child i cried every day but since i was around 12 i have not been able to cry, not once.

I am very much like that. Don't get me wrong, if I am very upset I do cry. Though it tends to be a very hard cry and is brief. I think it has much to do with my upbringing, it was rare to see my family cry. My temper tantrums were extreme, and not tolerated. Crying was showing weakness. In my teens, due to severe dissociation from depression and anxiety, I learned to suppress my emotions.

is severe isolation from people you care about normal? such as if a person with aspergers who doesnt live at home finds themselves constantly inable to talk to people either because of anxiety or something. usually some conflict or confrontation related. this can last for a few days to even a few months to even one time a year

I think it is more of a lack of connection for me. My mother lives only about 15 miles from me, yet I only see her on christmas. My dad lives the same distance away, and I only see him 2-3 times a year at most. Being transgender does not help, and drove even more of a rift between my family and myself. Most the time I feel like a visitor to this world than an inhabitant, home and family are ideals that were left behind in my early childhood.

-Do others ever get the feeling of racing thoughts but you are not thinking of anything like a very very stressed out version of your mind drawing a blank? and is this related to autism related conditions?

Yes, I get this. I have read other accounts of this as well. Some have considered it a mild meltdown, having to do with being high functioning. Again showing restraint and not allowing myself to "blow up", I just go into "blue screen" mode.

If you know anything about computers this will make sense. I like to explain like this. I have a huge cpu that can process faster than NT's, and a bigger hard drive to hold information. I just have far less RAM than NT's. Use up the RAM in a PC, it will come to a halt, go really slow and sometimes just crash.

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