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Aspie Central App??

Would you use an AspieCentral App?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I definitely would, too, because navigating the website on a mobile could be, umm, made easier. I especially struggle with the ratings right now (so if any of you find an out of place "Like" or "Funny", that was just me trying to agree and being betrayed by my imprecise fingers)
I would use it also, I get a lot of lag at times and I think an app would alleviate that lag. I rarely use my PC anymore and think this site is more set up for PCs. Hopefully some day!
I'm at home most of the time so I just use my desktop PC. I tend to write medium to long length comments so a virtual keyboard on a phone screen isn't a nice alternative for me compared to a normal keyboard.

There are only certain thing I want to do with my phone, writing on forums isn't one of them.
i liked tapatalk but found it confusing.
i use a tablet often but not for web browsing so i dont think id bother using an AC app.
Maybe one day down the road we will look at mobile apps again. Right now there are not good options out there.

The site is pretty mobile friendly though as it is.

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