YES and the reason: because you say she accepts you, which should mean that if you end up being fed up of staying back and decide to join her, she will be there to ease the way for you; perhaps whispering that someone is joking or to not take something too literal etc etc.
I am married to an nt and he is ANYTHING but social and it is a DISASTER for me. But if he were social and refused to accept me how I am, then that would also be a disaster.
We are human and thus, made to be social, which is why we suffer so for being unable to be social; why there is so much conflict in our hearts! Wanting to escape but not wanting to escape; wanting to be accepted but not being accepted; staying in our comfort zone, but hating staying in our comfort zone. All points to the fact that we are designed for social interactions, even if we are chronic with it, due to how our brains are wired.
I can cope quite well with about 5 people, all sitting around a table, but only if I know them and feel comfortable with them; but even then, I do come out of myself and join in, even if there is a bit of discomfort.
Any more than that and I am lost!