Between 2009 and 2011 I applied 3 times to the local Special Constabulary and was turned down all 3 times, well on the third attempt I got as far as the interview, but failed because my answers to the diversity questions were too short.
Anyway, just over 5 years have passed since then, is it worth potentially annoying my Parents and going for attempt number 4?
I think I could be good in CID if maybe not Uniform with my IT knowledge and general local knowledge, I used to work with a bloke who was a retired Detective Inspector at Main St in Rotherham, he was a nice bloke as well.
So anyway, Aspies as Uniformed or CID Coppers, would it be possible?
Between 2009 and 2011 I applied 3 times to the local Special Constabulary and was turned down all 3 times, well on the third attempt I got as far as the interview, but failed because my answers to the diversity questions were too short.
Anyway, just over 5 years have passed since then, is it worth potentially annoying my Parents and going for attempt number 4?
I think I could be good in CID if maybe not Uniform with my IT knowledge and general local knowledge, I used to work with a bloke who was a retired Detective Inspector at Main St in Rotherham, he was a nice bloke as well.
So anyway, Aspies as Uniformed or CID Coppers, would it be possible?
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