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aspie was told she was brain damaged

'...As a child, Susan was heartbreakingly told she was “brain damaged” and was given the label ‘Simple Susan’...'
Neurds get that all the time...
Reminds me of when Fox News had that one interviewee who said Greta Thunberg had a "mental illness" and should be silenced.

Greta probably has twice the IQ of that "piece of work".:rolleyes:

Dr. Tony Attwood in his lecture "Could it be Asperger's" he explains right at the beginning that his "concern is not for Aspies, but rather the attitude of neurotypicals toward those who are different."

Still one of my favorite lectures from Dr. Attwood. Could It Be Aspergers? - YouTube
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Back then every possible NP diagnose went under brain damage (MBD ) = Minimal brain damage as did whats today ASD and MANY other today separate diagnosis (ALL my curent diagnosis are actually found under the co morbid 100 diagnosis under said MBD ) . So im not that surprised they labled her with brain damage actually. and most of us with this diagnose was also regarded and labled as retards or idiots (me included )

MBD was later re diagnosed as ADHD (back in the early 80 ´s )

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