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Aspies coming from different country!


Well-Known Member
It's really interesting for me to see a lot of aspies like me coming from different countries like Netherland, Sweden, Great Britain,... and even different province of Canada. For me it's interesting because I like to see how aspies live there life accross different society with different values. I want to see if there is a country where aspies are accepted really well even if they can act like crazy. Sorry for my bad English.
Hi, I'm from Brazil and things here is really not good.
We can start from the diagnosis. We dont have people enough for that.
After the diagnosis, they really dont have what to do.
School is not prepared for any kid who need special care. We have to fight in the court to have someone with our kids and its not some who really know what to do.
The special school dont have people enough. We have recently a case of kids (autism) who are tied to the bed because they didnt have people enough.
BUT we have some good news, and one of them I did post last week ( I guess) at the tread " Are you this Brave? "
( Are You This Brave? [Video] | AspiesCentral.com )
For the work thing, I really dont know. I dont know any aspie here who let their company know about it, but last year in the news, they showed some with autism who have their jobs, but they were just starting their work life and they never showed again... So, things are moving forward... slowly, but forward.
So... answering your question now.... Here is not that country you are looking for YET!
Hey I've already been to Chile in Santiago de Chile! South america is of course really different than occidental countries. I used to talk about Asperger syndrome with a guy I met in the city Streets of Santiago and he told me of course that this diagnosis was unknown from chilean.
Yeah... because its really hard to find a job. Especially one for special people.. hehehe
Did you like Chile??? This is a place where I would like to go... someday.

EDIT: sorry, its not a place for that conversation... hahaha
Well I like Chile because as we say in french: people have hot blood! Everybody talk to everybody so people have great social skills, better than Canada. But as a tourist view, there is not a lot of things to see in the city of Santiago. I prefer Europe as tourist.

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