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Aspies in large faamilies.


Well-Known Member
I was one of two children and had only two children. I can't imagine feeling at ease living every day in a packed house, especially sharing a room, and sharing a bed is incomprehensible to me. I have never liked family gatherings, and they were never large. If you have lived in a large family, did you enjoy it?
I have seven siblings. Now me and my two younger brothers are the only kids still at home, but when I was little, they were all home. For the first few years of my life I shared a room with my older sister, but being a little kid I didn't mind it because I wasn't aware of the whole personal space thing (maybe just because I tended to get lost in my own head and drown the world out). She eventually moved out and left the room to me, and then as I got older I appreciated having my own room.
I hate family gatherings too. They're too crowded and loud, and no matter where you go, people are everywhere. -_- It's very draining.
I can speak for my son; I have a big family 5 kids, two sons and three daughters, one of my son is an Aspie. The siblings are were close to each other. In my son's case, big family was a blessing. They all grew up together, while me and my wife kept a close eye on our son with AS. We made sure he was not isolated. I guess? big family can be a big support...
I have two older brothers and one younger sister. Unfortunately, they are all a quite significant number of years from me, and my sister was a brat, meaning I got ignored by my parents. It was torture, although I never had to share a room; I did, however, have to share disco-era clothing handed down from my brothers. Yay bell-bottoms in 1985! :(

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