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Autism and needing to be obnoxious and the center of attention


Well-Known Member
I actually haven't been diagnosed with any form of ASD, but I'm planning on seeing a psychologist for a test for it next month.

The issue is, many of my social problems come with a constant need to be the center of attention, and I have a flair for theatre and drama. This is somewhat narcissistic, but I'm a little unsure that I'm doing it on purpose all the time, and that all my issues making friends are because of this.

I have a lot of traits of autism too, such as an extensive memory, sensory overload issues where I'm bothered by lighting and sounds, I flap my hands a lot on a regular basis, I don't understand other people's emotions at times, have trouble making eye contact, etc. I also have a lot of emotional melt downs as well. I'm a very strict logical thinker and I often am very literal with people and it drives them nuts.

I think a lot of the trouble I have making friends is also because of my playing devil's advocate a lot and wanting to create drama. Often, I don't want to upset other people, and this happens as a result of not understanding how people take my jokes and humor, and when I'm just trying to be funny, it is actually hurting other people's feelings.

To be clear, I don't believe I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, because I miss some important traits. I am not generally interested in keeping up with the latest fashion trends and impressing people with my looks. I like acknowledgement for my achievements, but I don't like to take credit for something if I don't feel I've earned it. When I act grandiose about my opinions, it is usually out of concern for others as well, such as people who are discriminated against by religious or anti-gay people, or children forced to adopt their parents religious and political views.

The problem is, I know I have both narcissism and Autism symptoms, but I am not quite sure if I would still have my issues making friends with people if I didn't have these symptoms of narcissism. I generally try to draw attention to myself if I become bored in a conversation and don't take much interest in what people are talking about. I enjoy discussing logic, philosophy, mathematics, science, and theatre, but I generally don't like to go to places with friends just to socialize. I like if it is an activity where we are playing a game where we talk in between but aren't just sitting there talking. I am a bit of an emotional child as well, and generally every kid I meet loves me, but few adults can tolerate me. I'm also not exaggerating about that either, I have yet to meet a kid in the last 5 years or so that didn't like me when they got to know me.

I sometimes have difficulty understanding social norms, but other times I have a complete disregard for them. I usually don't understand why we are supposed to do certain things, or why we have such social rules, and it seems like people just go along with what society tells them is normal.

People often tell me I take joking too far, or that I shouldn't have joked with someone the way I did that I didn't know very well. Often, there are times where I had no intention at all of offending someone, and I hurt their feelings badly.

I heard that people with Autism/Aspergers have some trouble making friends and don't like socialization, but I don't like socialization much, but I am not sure if I would have as hard of a time making friends if I didn't have my devil's advocate and center of attention personality. I usually don't care as much to make friends with people who aren't into the same things I am into, and often, when I make a friend, I will get really close to them easily, and others I have turned away by smothering them with friendship, that I'm often afraid to try and make friends anymore.

I just don't really know what to make of this.

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