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Autism expert in Sheffield up for national award


Well-Known Member
(Not written by me)


An autism expert from Sheffield Hallam University has been shortlisted for a national award in recognition of the way his research and teaching has influenced public understanding of autism.

Luke Beardon is one of three finalists for the award for achievement by an education professional in the Autism Professionals Awards.

He was shortlisted by an independent panel of 11 autism experts who judged them on their innovation, creativity, impact and sustainability.

The awards are run by the National Autistic Society and first took place in 2013 as a way for the autism community to come together to recognise the individuals and teams working to inspire others in the field and spread knowledge and understanding of autism.

Since then it has become an annual event.

Mr Beardon has been working in the field of autism around 20 years, as a lecturer, supervisor and advisor, as well as a practitioner providing support and consultancy to professionals working with people with the condition.

He currently lectures as part of The Autism Centre at Sheffield Hallam University.

“It’s an honour to be recognised, just for doing a job that I love, and I’m grateful to those who nominated me,” he said.

“Perceptions of autism and support available has improved in recent years but we’re still not where we need to be.”

SOURCE: http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/autism-expert-in-sheffield-up-for-national-award-1-7712310

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